Chapter 5 (Long)

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•Morning Bus Ride•

Sonic hadn't gotten a wink of sleep, he was up all night thinking of everything that could be driving Amy away. He made a short list and according to his thoughts, the number one reason was the fanclub.

It made sense, who would want to date someone who had a fanclub dedicated to them? It would be a competition, however he doesn't know too much about his fanclub. It's much more competitive and everyone can turn on each other in a blink of an eye.


Sonic walked into school, trying to avoid the girls that wait for him. "Sonic?" Said one of the girls, when he walked past them. "Oh, sorry girls, I'm just not very well today." Immediately the girls faces were full of worry.

"What's the matter, Sonic?"

"Can we do something to help?"

"No, no, it's okay." Sonic smiled at them. "I just didn't get much sleep." The girls then gasped and took a step back. "Now that you mention it... you do look quite tired." Said one of them.

"I have some coffee that could wake you up!" Chipped in another girl. "No, no, it's completely fine. I really just need to head to class." Sonic explained and abandoned the group.

Sonic went straight to his class, and just napped on the desk for the last 20 minutes of TA. The bell rung, startling Sonic from his rest. He looked over to the door and saw is fellow peers walk in.

He looked away when he saw Amy.


Sonic tried his best to ignore Amy throughout the class. But his subtle glances became more and more often. He would look at her for many reasons. He would look so he could just see her. He would look so he could see if she was smiling or not. He would look if he heard any a whisper from her.

She was utterly addicting.

"-Sonic!" The teacher yelled at him. Sonic sat up, forgetting what he was doing. "Sonic, stop daydreaming at your desk and pay attention! Math is very important, you can't do anything without math! We can all thank-"

Sonic zoned out again, "math is just plain boring." He thought and made one of his glances at Amy. "She's not boring..." Sonic couldn't help a small chuckle at how lovesick he was. Then he was filled with despair and regret.

"I can't believe how in love I am with her. What's wrong with me? Any sane man would've given up by now!" Sonic but his lip and scratched the back of his head. "I guess I can say goodbye to my fanclub now."

"-pencils out! The test will begin in one minute!"

"Test?!" Sonic nearly fell out of his chair. He looked on the board, and sure enough there was a test. Review was scribbled all over the board and Sonic frantically tried to write some down, but the teacher wiped it all away.

Sonic was panicking, what was he going to do?

"Psst, Sonic-" Sonic turned to see Amy handing him a paper. "Here, I won't need them." She said to him with a smile. "Come on, take the paper, think of this as a sign of friendship."

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