When he compliment you

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*When he compliment you*

[ Gon ]

You got invited by gon and mito-san to eat dinner at their house which you gladly go. You were now in front of their house. You knock at the door nervously. This is your first time to go in a guy friend's house so you're kinda nervous. The door hung open, revealing a greenish black haired boy.
"Hello (y/n)-san!! Come in!" He smiled so does you.
"Hi gon-kun!!" you go inside their house
"hello there (y/n)" mito-san greeted in the kitchen. You smiled and greet her back.
You and gon asked her if you can help her cook which she gladly say yes. Soon, you finished and eats. The four (mito, gon, you and his grandmother) of you talked about stuffs. When the all of you finished eating...
"mito-san! We'll just go to the forest!" Gon yelled as he drag you to the forest
"gon? Don't you think it's dangerous to go in the forest this late?" you ask
He smiled and shook his head
"nah! Trust me! It'll going to be fine!" He yelled. You sighed and just got along with him. After some minutes of running, gratefully you didn't tripped, you finally reach your destination. Your eyes roamed around. You find it normal.
"what now?" you ask. He gave you a toothy smile and look up. You follow his gaze and it landed on the sky with beautiful shining stars. Your big (e/c) eyes sparkled and admired the scene.
"you like it?" you heard gon
"absolutely! Its gorgeous!" you responded, he giggled and say
"not as gorgeous as you. You're gorgeous (y/n)-san!" you blushed a thousands of red and mutter a 'thank you'

[ Killua ]

You are in a candy store to buy candies, obviously. You walk around the store and stopped when you see a cat-shape chocolate. Your eyes sparkled and took a bunch of them.
"this is so cute!!" you squeak
"nah... you're more cute" you heard a familiar voice said, you turn your head and find Killua smiling at you. Your face flushed red and mutter a 'thank you'

[ Kurapika ]

"ne, kurapika? What do you think will suit me? This one or this one?" you ask as you hold the two dresses up. You, (f/n) and kurapika are shopping in the mall but since your friend has gone to find something. You were left alone with kurapika.
"anything.. any dresses will suit you perfectly (y/n) that's how beautiful you are." Kurapika stated
Your face is now (like) a tomato. You mutter a 'thank you' and he just smiled.

[ Hisoka ]

You and (f/n) are searching for a dress for your friend's 18th birthday. After minutes of searching, you finally found one and wear it to know if it's suit you or nah but when you wear it, you find it embarrassing.
"Its embarrassing.." you said
"come on (y/n)! Its just you and me! Come out!" your friend ,(f/n), yelled
You sighed and got out. (F/n) scan you from head to toe and squeak
"you're pretty (y/n)!"
"my.. my..." your eyes widen from the familiar voice.
You find hisoka staring at you. You scratch the back of your neck and laugh awkwardly
"I think I'll just change my--" you didn't even finish your sentence when he spoke
"you truly are a goddess" he said as he left, leaving you blushing like a mess.


Hehehehe.. what do you think in this scenario?

Your moment with gon is long than others. XD hahahaha

by the way, I add hisoka!

Thank you for reading!

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