When he take you out for a walk

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Me^reads the title
    What are you, a pet?


[ Gon ]

Gon slings his arm with yours as he lead you to the forest.

"Where are we going, Gon?"

He faced you and grinned. "You'll see!~"

It's been over 20 minutes and you are still walking. The sun will soon set, it will be dark soon making you worried. "G-gon! Shouldn't we go back? It's already late."

"Ah! But we're already here!" Gon exclaimed then he sat gesturing for you to sit too which you did. "Can you wait for a bit?" Asked Gon glancig at you worringly.

You gave him a smile and a nod.

"Great! The stars looks amazing here. You'll love it!"



Turns out he was right. The stars looks amazing. Everytime he ask you to go on a walk with him, he always go to a place that you'll surely love and be amazed at.

[ Killua ]

^youre the one who asked him for a walk

"What are we doing?"

"Walking duh," you answered your boyfriend's question rolling your eyes at the same time.

He narrowed his eyes at you. "this is boring. Let's do something fun."

"This is what normal couples do. You know.. Just walking around.. Talking and stuffs.. Kil- ARGH! ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME?!" You become pissed when you noticed that the albino seems to be no longer paying attention on you.

Killua huffed an annoyed breath. "Geez.. I'm listening. I'm listening." His eyes wandered to his surroundings. "Where are we going?"

You let go of his hand that you were holding ever since the start of the walk and crossed your arms. "Nowhere in particular."

"What? So you're telling me that we've been walking for minutes without a certain place to go?!"

"I told you we were only supposed to walk around!"

"What kind of logic is that?!"

The two of you spent your walk bickering making you to think twice before asking him for a walk again.

[ Kurapika ]

You enjoy the comfortable silence between you and your boyfriend as the two of you walk down the road, your hands tangled with each other.

Then a kid points out to you and say loudly, "Look! It's a couple!" With his shouting, he attracted a lot of other kids and now, they are all gawking at you.

"Umm…" you stuttered out unsure on what to do. Kurapika on the other hand just stare at you and the kids.

Then out of the sudden, the kids start to throw you tiny rocks.



"They have cooties!"

It was no longer a walk. The two of you had a run. You don't have a choice but to run away from kids. When you and your boyfriend reached home, you guys laughed. Good thing though, you two don't have any big wounds or anything.

[ Leorio ]

Leorio proudly walks beside you with his hand on yours. Your boyfriend always do this, walking together with you and all.

A smirk was plastered at your lips when you say, "You love to show me off, don't you?"

All Leorio could give was a nervous chuckle.

Even though, you're not saying it but you really love it when he do this.

[ Hisoka ]

"(Y/n)~ Why don't we go out for a walk?"

Hisoka asked you but you only ignored him.

The man felt his smirk slowly fell off from his lips. But it returned after a while, "Wanna eat ice cream?"

But once again, he was ignored.

"Tacos? Fries? Cakes? Me?" Hisoka tried to bribe you but all you give is utter silence.

A worried sigh left the pink haired man's lips.

"Oh love.. Are you still mad?"

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