Chocolates Ⅱ | Killua

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"Hey Killua.."


The silverette hummed telling you to continue.

"Have you ever thought of being reincarnated?" You asked Killua with your eyes glued to the game you and Killua are playing.

With that, Killua couldn't help but to chuckle. "That's stupid, (Y/n). If you die then it's already over. You're dead and that's it. Life's not a game that you could restart once it's game over," he answered.

You shifted your eyes to him, staring at him seriously. "But don't you think it would be nice? You could live twice."

Killua scoffed. "And suffer twice too? No thanks." Taking advanatage of you whose attention are on him, he unmercifully try to kill your character in the game, making combos here and there, throwing punches and kicks.

You were silent watching Killua bit his lip as he was too engrossed in playing. "What if I'm there?" You mumbled.


You sigh before repeating what you just said and made it more clear. "What if I were to be in your next life?"

Killua's hands let go of the game controller and turned to you, his blue eyes meeting your (e/c) ones. A tiny blush appeared on the albino's face as he speak. "Then I wouldn't mind," said Killua, his voice merely a whisper. His eyebrow then quirked up "But then will I even recognize you? If we were to be reincarnated, we would be in like... another body, you know."

A mere laugh escaped your lips as you scoot closer to the male, entangling his hand to yours. "Of course~ Even if it's the next life or some another dimension, our love's too powerful for us to forget each other and hey, we're obviously soulmates~ I'm sure fate will make way for us to meet again~"

Killua gazed at you for a long one minute before tearing it off you and turned away. "I—idiot! Don't say embarrassing things like that! A-and there's no way we would meet again in another life, you stupid!" He remarked. Although his words doesn't match what he is thinking. Of course, he thinks it really is stupid and impossible to be given a chance to live again with another body but hey, he sure hopes that if that were to happen, he would meet you again and, maybe, just maybe, you can be his and he can be yours once again. Hopefully.

You only laughed at your boyfriend before getting the game controller and prepare to play again but you were shocked to find that it's already game over for your character.

"Killua! What the heck?!"

Killua teasingly stuck his tongue out to you. "It's your fault for being distracted."

"Argh! I hate you!"

"Whatever. Let's just restart it."


Two souls.

Two broken hearts.

One left too early.

One was left to rot.

They were given another chance.

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