When you peck him on the lips + Chrollo & Illumi

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* When he/you gave you/him a peck on the lips *

Peck - a quick light kiss


[ gon ]

It was Saturday morning when you go to your boyfriend's house. Right now, its evening and you both are helping mito-san to prepare dinner.
"ne (y/n)?" gon called
"I'll walk you home later so you'll get home safely" he replied as he put the plates at the table.
"okay thanks!" you said and smiled.
Soon, you ate dinner and talk about some things.
"Gon and (y/n)? Are you two dating?" Mito asked.
You choke your food and blushed, receiving giggles from the two older woman and your boyfriend.
"yes! Yes! we are and I'm really glad! Mito-san!" Gon exclaimed causing you to blush even more
"y-yeah, we're together now Mito-san. We're sorry, we should tell it sooner." you said as you try to calm your blush.
"nah.. don't be. But I'm grateful you two are finally together! You are a cute couple." Mito-san look at the both of you and smiled sweetly
"we are?! Arigato!" Gon yelled in glee. You smiled at his actions
"Thank you Mito-san.." you said softly
All of you finished eating and now's the time to go home. You say goodbyes to Mito-san and gon's grandma. You and gon walked towards your home. He held your hand all the way to your home and slightly squeeze it time to time. Right now, you're in front of your house's door.
"see you on Monday!" you said and stare at him, noticing that he's blushing.
"why are you blu--" he interrupted you by giving you a Peck on the lips. You stiffened.
"s-see you!" gon yelled as he run away, leaving you blushing like a tomato.

[ Killua ]

You we're eating chocolates with a drooling killua watching you .
"give me some" he finally said what he wanted to say since you start to eat chocolate.
"oh? You want some? Come and get it~" You said and run as quickly as you can bringing your chocolates.
"oh.. You'll surely regret saying that. " he smirked and with a flash like a lightning your chocolates we're gone.
"what the?!------ give my chocolates back, old man! " you yelled and try to snatch your chocolates away but failed so.
"oh? You want some? Come and get it~" he mimicked your voice which cause you to have an anime vein to your forehead and angrily try to get your chocolates back but the result is same as your first attempt.
You are now glaring at killua who have a smirk plastered at his face.

Killua eats all of your chocolates which makes you pout. Killua chuckled and go closer to you.

"do you have any chocolates left? " He asked with his face one inches away from you. You could feel his hot breaths which makes you blushed. You answer a 'no' but he just grinned.
"oh, really? ~ but I found some . " He said that makes you confused. Not until after he Peck the side of your lips which some chocolates are left. He pull his face away from you and just stare at your eyes with a faint blush so does you. An awkward silence engulf the both of you. He let out a fake cough to break the silence. He lean on your ear to whisper something.
"let me gave you a proper Peck on the lips" he said with a smirk plastered at his face before giving you a Peck directly on the lips. After that, he runs.

'That turns out to be unexpected' you thought and blushed more.

[ Kurapika ]

Youre having a date with your boyfriend, kurapika when someone called your boyfriend drawing your attention.

"ne? Kurapika? "
A beautiful girl with a black hair approached the both of you.
" Mei? What are you doing here? " Kurapika asked the girl.
"oh uhm.. I'm all alone kurapika-kun~ can you perhaps give me an accompany?~ " The certain girl ask your boyfriend and stroke her hands in his shoulders as if you're not there.
You fake coughed but got only ignored.
"I'm sorry Mei. But -- " Kurapika got interrupted by you pecking his lips. Kurapika blushed out of the sudden action while you turn your head towards Mei who's shocked. You gave her an evil smirk and say:
"excuse me, you sl*t, You know that the guy who you're flirting with have a girlfriend, right? And don't mention that HIS GIRLFRIEND IS TALKING RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR B¡*©Hⓨ arse FACE. "
(Sorry if this is not so you.)
"why.. You---!.. " Mei was about to slap you but got stopped by kurapika who's holding her hand firmly.
"Don't you dare hurt my girlfriend or else...." Kurapika said darkly with his eyes turning scarlet, scaring the slu-- I mean the girl and making her ran away. After that, the both of you walk in silence.
"well.. I Didn't expect you'll do that. " Kurapika blurted out breaking the silence
"Eh.. Sorry.. I got carried away. And besides I can't just be here watching another girl flirting with you, can I? Anyways are you okay now?" You replied
"I'm fine as long as I'm with you. "
"awe.. How sweet! Here! " you gave him a Peck on the lips once again and giggles.
With that, you continue your date.

[ Hisoka ]

"(y/n)? ~ " You heard Hisoka called you.
You turn around to see him smiling at you.
" what are u doing? My love?~" he asked as he sit beside you in the sofa. "nothing much. Just watching tv. " You replied and lean your head in his shoulders which he didn't complain.
After some minutes of watching, cute little snores was heard by a certain pink haired (hot) man.
"hmm? Oh my~ ☆ my goddess is asleep. " Hisoka said once he look at your figure.
He can't help but to Peck you on the lips .
"sleep tight, cutie pie~ " (OMI. 0-0 U HAVE A LOT OF NICKNAME FOR READER-CHAN, HISOKA-KUN)

[ Illumi ]

"Illumi?" You once again called out.
You were looking for Illumi since earlier but until now you still haven't found him.
You sighed and decided to have a nap under the tree that just a steps away. You got awake by a sudden noise. You open your eyes and met your partner's eyes staring directly onto you.
"Illumi? I've been looking for you. Where have you been? " You asked once he sit beside you
"I've been out bcoz of work. " he replied with his usual tone.
"oh.. " That's the only thing you said. The silence engulf the both of you .
"I assume you're tired?" You asked, finally breaking the uncomfortable silence between the two of you.
"ehm... Not re--" You cut him off by giving him a quick light kiss in his lips.
"okay. That's enough. I think it already does makes you feel better."
"actually I am pretty tired. "

[ Chrollo ]

"Danchoooooooouuuuuu~" You cooed
Since earlier, you're trying to gain chrollo, your boyfriend, attention away from his book.
" what's so special about that boooooooook?! Is that a fifty shades of grey or what?? "
Still, no response just like earlier.
You pout and cross your arms muttering a tiny 'I hate you'.
But then, you felt a pair of lips into yours. "DI-DI-DI-DI-DI-DID YOU JUST PECK ME? ON THE LIPS?!!!" You asked, Yelling, with a red face.
"i couldn't resist. You're too cute when you pout. "After he said that, he continue to read his book.
You slightly grin and pull his book down.
"and what do you think you're doing? " he asked somewhat annoyed.
"stealing your attention, honey~" and with that, you Peck him on the lips.
"I think reading that book can wait. "


Yes! Author-chan finally updates!!!! Yes! Yes! Thank you! I'm really glad too. XD

Hhaha. So yeah. Thanks for reading.

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