The Last Time | Feitan & Shalnark

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"Heather seriously?" Your friend, Shalnark raise one of his eyebrows as he stare at you writing a love letter for him... again.

This is not obviously the first time you sent a love letter to him.. This is probably the third time × ten that you've send him a love letter.

Surely, you are shy. That's why you're sending him love letters because you cannot talk to him face to face. You can't even utter a single hello to him without stuttering and embarrassing yourself.

Why are doing this anyway?

You want him to notice you. You want him to know you. You want him to notice your presence. You want him to know that you're here, crushing on him. But is it really possible to notice you? Of course, it is. You're the only one who's giving him love letters. Well you are the only who's brave enough to put love letters to his locker.

Definitely, he is freaking handsome almost making all the people in the campus wonder if he is a God or something but his attitude is a problem. Definitely a problem... You can't approach him easily because of his intimidating aura surrounding him. He's a Savage too.... A hot-tempered guy and stubborn. But all in all, he is not that bad. You think he may look like a bad guy but he is actually not.

Actually, you don't really know why you like this guy.

"Why? Giving him love letters is not that bad, right?" You say, looking at Shalnark.

"Well... I warned you. Don't go crying in me when he rejected you." Sighing, he says. You can't help but to pout at what he had just say.

" It's not like I want to be in a relationship with him. I just... want him to know that I like him. Just that."

"But don't you think he already know that? Well... After those love letters you gave him, wouldn't he look like a stupid dumb guy if he still didn't know that ?" he says rolling his eyes at you.

You sigh defeated.

"Fine.. I'll stop now. Well after this one.."


" So uh Feitan? Shouldn't we work now? " You manage to asks him without stuttering which you're glad about.

Instead of answering, Feitan nodded and stand up starting to walk towards a particular place which you thought is the library. You follow him like a lost puppy, can't help smiling.

Wait... You're with Feitan now? How did this happen?

Of course... No matter how cliché this sounds is, you got paired up with him in one of your projects, happy for you but not for him.

Feitan and you go to the dark corner side of the library which have less people or should I say no people around except for you two.

"Uhmm.. f-feitan? Why are we here?" You asks getting goosebumps. You're facing feitan's back so you can't really see him.

"Heather" he calls out, almost a whisper causing you to shiver at how cold and quiet his voice is.

"Y-yes?" You stutter out

Finally Feitan turn his back on you and now is facing you.

He looks directly at your eyes. You're suppose to avoid his stare but you can't. You just can't. His eyes are something... It's like hypnotizing you... You felt captivated of it.

"This is the first and the last time I do this. Remember, the Last time. " He says as he goes near you closing the gap between you.

You hold your breath thinking of possible reasons why is Feitan acting weird right now. You're kind of scared to be honest.

Feitan looks at your face and can't help but to smirk.

"This is the last time I'll do this, Heather. Take that on your mind. "


"Shalnaaaaaarkkkk!" You call out once you enter his apartment, it's almost sound like a baby crying searching for her mother.

"What the hell is your problem now?!" Shalnark asked annoyed by the fact that his friend just disturbed him from going off to dreamland.

"It's Feitan!!!" You cry out as you landed on your knees and cling onto his leg like a koala. He wiggle his legs trying to broke off to your hold with his eyebrows knitted but you just seem to hold onto him tightly.

Sighing, Shalnark finally give up and ask you what's wrong in much more soft and concern tone when the two of you goes to the sofa and sat.

"He rejected me!!!" You say between your sobs. Hearing your reason Shalnark can't help but to smack you. Lightly.

"I said don't go crying in me when he rejected you! And Heather! I've warned you! Look at you now! " he sighs once again... he feels like he's babysitting a four year old girl right now.

"B-but I like him! I can't help it!" You yelled shaking his shoulders.

He yanked your hands off of him and look at you "What exactly happened ?"

You breath out, "well we're in the library to do our project but he suddenly close the gap between us two and he said "this is the last time I'll do this" then he kissed me so I don't know--"

"Wait! Wait! He kissed you?!" Shalnark yelled, his eyes widening at what he just heard. His friend not to mention the one that he likes, Heather, just got kissed by her freaking crush?

"I was just kidding..." You giggled seeing Shalnark's reaction which is really funny for you.

"Heather! Be serious!" Shalnark sent you a glare making you gulp.

"Okay... Okay... So he really said that but he didn't kiss me. Instead he smirks. I thought he's really gonna do what I'm thinking that he'll do.. you know... Kissing... But he didn't. His smirk then faded and was replaced by his stoic expression and his gaze which is really scary if I may mention. He goes near my ear and whisper 'i don't have any interest in you. Get lost.' then he backs off and sent me one last glare and say 'that's the first and the last time I'll reject you, got it?' then he leaves. It hurts you know! He could have been nicer when rejecting me but he just have to be a rude ass jerk!" You yelled with tears falling from your eyes. You can't help it but just to cry.

Shalnark patted your back and say sweet things, comforting you.

"Heh. Who does he think he is?! The guy that you really like?! The guy that you're head over heels for?! The guy that you're obsessed with?!"

You look at him dumbfounded and say, "that's not really helping."

"All I'm trying to say is this should be the last time that youll cried in front of me just because some popular guy rejected you."

"You know what... You could have been nicer when comforting me but you have to be a rude ass jerk."

"Hey! That's not nice!" Shalnark yelled acting as if he's hurt at what you just said.

"Yeah like you just said to me!" You cross your arm and roll eyes at him, forgetting the things that Feitan just rejected you. Yeah you're really fast when it comes on liking someone and you're really fast too when it comes on moving from someone you like who just rejected you.

"Heather seriously... You should stop falling for popular handsome guys. I'm here you know..." He say earning a -are-you-serious-right-now- look from you.

He smiled and nodded. Finally... He confessed. Took him long enough.

"Well... This is the last time we talked about something as friends." You said grinning.

Shalnark smiled widely realizing what you meant.

"Yeah... Because we're gonna talk now as a boyfriend and a girlfriend.. right?"

"Hah! Jokes on you! I'm rejecting you and will never gonna talk to you ever again! Bye!~" Then you dash off quickly leaving him alone in his apartment.


Lol. Don't ask me what did I just write.

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