When you're stuck with his bestfriend

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[ Gon]


That was your fifth time sigh today and it hasn't even turn afternoon yet! Gon has left for reasons that author doesn't want to say because she's too lazy for that. So now you're stuck with his best friend, Killua, in the house. The said person has been glaring at you every time you sigh and say something. It irks him.

'Just when will Gon come back, Ugh,' Killua thought.

You sigh yet again as you sit down on the couch. "Gon and I used to sit here," You mumbled then looked over to the kitchen. "I used to see him smile every morning from there."

Another irk mark appeared on Killua's forehead. You're acting as if he's gone for real. "He'll be here real soon. Quit your yapping," Killua said and received a sigh as a response which of course, irritated him again.

Hoping to calm himself down, Killua went over to the kitchen and get a glass of water. He is gulping the water down when he notice you in the corner of his eyes staring blankly at him. "What?" He narrowed his eyes at you.

You sigh for the eighth time. "Are you drinking water?"

"Yeah so what?"

"Gon used to drink water too.."

Killua took a deep breath in as he put down the glass of water. He exhaled and say, "I swear to God, if you don't stop (Y/n)-"

"Gon used to call me that too.."





"Gon used to call you (Y/n)? Yeah... That's because it's your bloody hell name!? You keep spouting bullshit as if he's f-cking gone and won't come back anymore! Damn girls! I'm done."

Oho- Killua snapped.

In the end, Killua locked himself up in his room and just comes out when Gon finally comes back.


[ Killua ]

"Oi... I'll be gone for a while," Killua exclaimed as he puts on a jacket.

You and Gon, who are busy watching a movie in the living room, looked at him simultaneously. You were the one to speak, "Where are you going?" Followed by Gon, "Yeah. Where are you off to, Killua?!"

Killua sighs. "It'll be quick. I'll just buy chocolates. Don't mess around too much," He reminded just like a mother.

You stand up and point at yourself, "Can I come too? Let's buy chocolates!"

"No." The response was quick making you irritated. It's as though he didn't even give it a thought.

Just then, Killua left.

Gon notices your bad mood. He smiled and wave his hand in front of your face. "Don't worry (Y/n) - San! I'm pretty sure Killua doesn't want you to come with him 'cause you walk too slowly! "

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