Why won't this feeling go away?
Why does it stay with me night and day?
It's starting to effect me all the time,
My life has become a difficult climb.
Why do I do the things I do?
I cannot stop myself from feeling so blue.
The sadness resides below my many walls,
Anyone who tries to reach it, always fall.
I am so closed off from everyone,
No good will ever be done.
Why won't this feeling disappear?
It staying forever is my biggest fear.
Why did this happen to me?
I used to be this person, living happily.
I guess slowly that all transformed.
Why do I constantly hurt my friends?
Why do I never know how to make amends?
Why won't this feeling leave me alone?
I know I can't answer this on my own.
I'm hoping it will soon cease,
But it will be a long time before I find peace.