Age . . . death

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New born girl who can't keep her own head up and smiles at everything
Age 3 a girl who loves everything and everything one
Age 5 entering a new school, bright eyed, happy, and full of joy
Age 7 new teacher, new year, new friends, fresh start
Age 10 laughing, singing, dancing not caring what others think about yourself
Age 11 starting to become self conscious, being teased because you have braces and short hair
Age 12 you stopped laughing
Age 13 crying in a corner because the person you thought was your best friend bullied you
Age 14 a girl with a small amount of friends, comes to school scared about being picked on my other kids or being call up to the front of the class by your teacher to answer the damn question, not wanting to talk to anyone, scared of everything and everyone, scratching her arm so much my arm turns red then it starts to bleed.
Age 16 you can no longer feel anything with how many times you have cut yourself
Age 18 you give up
Age ... Death

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