Why ?
Why do I never smile anymore ?
Why do I cry myself to sleep ?
Why do I keep fighting for the friends I know are going to stay ?
And why do I keep fighting for the friends that left me ?
Why do I keep saying in my head please stay and be with me but my mouth just says leave me alone ?
Why do I get stressed a lot ?
And out of all of this misery why is the one thing I can't stop thinking about is you two ?
One of you makes me happy when your sitting beside me
And the other will make me depressed from all happy times and the horrible times we had together
Why do I think of you two ?
One of you left me you said "you don't care about my feeling" and yet I can't stop fighting for you
And the other we barley talk anymore but yet I still get butterflies in my stomach when your near
Why do I drive myself crazy over the littlest things ?
One of you left me
And the other I left
Why do I want both of you ?
I like one of you
But the other I can't live without
Why can't I live without you if left me and hurt me ?
And why do I like you if we barley talk ?
Why can't I just be happy ?
Why can't I be normal ?
Why do I do the things I do ?
Why ?