Fate, Love, and Life (A Louis Tomlinson Love Story) Pt 20

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Part 20

Olivia's POV

One Direction, the biggest boy band on Earth, their girlfriend and fiancée, and my family and I, sitting in the same limo on our way to the premiere of Monsters Inc. University. I never would have expected my life to become as breathtaking as the realization of this. I am so thankful that I can take care of my family now and it makes my heart melt seeing how extraordinarily happy they are. We all exited the limo having thousands of flashes in our eyes. "Don't look into the light!" screamed Louis as he grabbed my hand and pulled me past the paparazzi We made it to the red carpet where a bunch of interviewers were and I could not stop laughing. Lou pulled us over to an interviewer "Hello I'm Karen from Sugerscape Magazine how are you both liking the premiere so far?" I was still laughing "Amazing!" shouted Louis "What do you think Special K?" I let go of Louis' hand and was clenching my stomach from the laughter, I don't know what came over me "Special K?" asked the interviewer, clearly confused, and seeing that I wasn't going to answer "Yuppers! Bye!" answered Louis and with that he grabbed my hand again and we walked back to the group once I got a hold on my laughter that is. "Where'd you lot go?" asked Harry "To the moon and back!" I shouted "Yeah sorry it took so long but there was this space bar and we just had to try it!" added Louis "Okay..." said Niall "Well I don't know about you..." I started "But I'm feeling 22!" screamed Louis I smirked as Harry rolled his eyes and said "Break!" signaling that we could disperse I went with my family, Niall went with Harry and Louis, Liam went with Sophia, and Zayn went with Perrie. "H&H what do you guys want to do first? Strut down the red carpet, interview, pictures, or just walk right in but weirdly so we make headlines?" I asked They looked at each other, then at Mom, then at me "All of them!" they exclaimed "All right then, let's go!" After we completed my whole list we were all laughing and having a great time until my phone went off, it was my manager "I'll be right back" I told my family and walked into the bathroom to take the call "Hello?" "Olivia get to 165th Washington Street right now! It's the perfect photo shoot background, for the cover of Glamour Magazine!" "Nancy I told you no more work for a while. I'm out with my family right now anyways." "Olivia so help me God if you're not down here in thirty minutes I'll make sure you're out of work for the rest of your life!" "Don't speak to me like that! I'm your boss and..." "Like hell I won't speak to you like that! Be here or go back to your old life!" and with that she hung up I don't even know what to say right now, I can find a new manager but not right now and now I have to leave on the twins' birthday...they're going to hate me! How can a night be so good and then become so terrible. I walked out of the bathroom and texted Louis -Can you sit by my family? I have to go to work, my manager threatened me...I'm not good with words, I feel like such a terrible sister- I hugged my family goodbye, apologized more than once, and headed out the door catching a taxi to 165th Lou texted back –She threatened you?! I'm gonna kill that bitch! Liv you're not a terrible sister...you took your bro and sis to a movie premiere! If anything you're the best sister! I'm sitting with them now- -:) thx Lou- Once I arrived at the location I stepped out of the cab and paid the man, he left and there was no one in sight "Hello?" I said into the darkness of the abandon building in front of me "What the hell?" I turned around and saw a man right in front of me I screamed and everything went black

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