Fate, Love, and Life (A Louis Tomlinson Love Story) Pt 6

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Part 6

Olivia's POV

I walked aboard the plane dreading that I had to leave my family but a tiny bit happy that I can help them from working. My seat is 16F. First class? Wow thanks Aunt Deb! I sat down and held onto my carry on for dear life as it was the only thing I had with me. I was staring out the window seeing a bunch of screaming girls in the waiting area for plane boarding holding signs and stuff, weird. "Excuse me miss?" asked someone from behind me "Hmh?" "I think you're in my seat" said the black haired exotic looking guy I looked at my ticket and saw 16F, no I'm in the right seat. "Can I see your ticket?" I asked politely I stood up and he handed it to me as I read off of his ticket 16 with a weird letter next to it, that is until I realized it was upside down. It read 19T. I handed it back to him and said "Here you go, your ticket was upside down" He looked at it again and blushed "Um, Sorry" "It's alright" I smiled and just when I was about to say my name a brown haired muscular guy interrupted us "Zayn we have to get seated" They both smiled at me and said bye as they walked to their seats I heard Zayn playfully whining "Liam...I was just about to get her name!" "Next time mate" the supposed Liam guy replied Haha they're cute

Louis's POV

"15F, where are you?" I asked myself as the lads and I were boarding the plane to go to New York for a few performances, interviews, and photo shoots. Aha! Found it! I walked right into my seat as I noticed I was going to be sitting next to a girl. She appeared to be asleep; I hope she's not an annoying fan girl when she wakes up. Her hair was fanned out over her face, very mysterious. "Harry!" I whisper yelled as he came over and took his seat right next to me in 14F. Six Hours into the flight the mystery girl is still sleeping and I still haven't seen her face. Her head rolled onto my shoulder about a minute ago and I think it's kind of adorable. I should probably get comfy since there's about seven more hours. I closed my eyes and started to drift off.

Harry's POV

Seeing Louis and this mystery girl sleep together on the plane was so cute I just had to take a picture! I immediately posted it on Twitter with the caption 'Louis and mystery girl' It's a good thing I have plane Wi-Fi otherwise I would be so bored right now! It's about 2 am and we'll be arriving at about 7 am, man it's hot up here. I took off my shirt and feeling that it wasn't enough I took off my pants, shoes, and boxer briefs too. It's a good thing I have a blanket otherwise I would have to put my clothes back on to go to the toilet.

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