Fate, Love, and Life (A Louis Tomlinson Love Story) Pt 33

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Part 33

*2 months later*

Louis's POV

Eleanor and I have been going out for the last month or so and I really like her. She went with me to get my cast off actually and if things keep going the way they are I may even love her at one point. We're chilling on her couch right now just watching movies and I can tell you having El in my arms is the best feeling in the world "Louis?" "Yeah babe?" "You're like really famous" "Yes" "And I can look up anything I want about you including your penis size... "Where is this going?" I chuckled "But there's one thing I can't find..." "And what's that? My cup size?" she laughed "No, I found that!" This time I laughed but she stopped smiling "What happened to your last girlfriend?" now I stopped smiling "W-what brings that up?" "It's just that you guys according to the public loved each other so much and everything was good but then you flipped your car and for no reason anyone could think of you two broke up." I pulled my arm back and laid it on my lap "That doesn't matter. All that matters is that I'm here with you now and I'm not with her anymore." "But I-" I sprang from my seat "NO! No buts! That was a while ago and you have no right to ask me about it! God it's like talking to a child!" "I don't want us to end up like that! Going good until something happens and then what? We're through! And I'm sorry if my asking a question reminds you of talking to a child 'cause louis newsflash! I feel like I'm talking to one every day! You know what, leave." "El I'm-" "No! Louis leave and don't come back until you've calmed down!" Dammit! Why did she have to bring up Olivia! I did exactly what she said and I left. Great going Louis you've really done it now!

Eleanor's POV

I don't know why he gets so angry when I try to ask him that simple question, what happened? But I'm going to find the answer. I grabbed my laptop and looked up Olivia Marcott it took two hours with the help of my assistant but I finally found her address. I'm going to pay her a visit, maybe she'll help me. Surprisingly, Olivia's house was only an hour from mine. I parked my car and rang the doorbell. Maybe I shouldn't be doing this, the door opened to an expectant little girl. "Who are you?" she asked "Um I'm Eleanor does Olivia live here?" "Who wants to know?" asked a boy who was just joining the conversation I smiled "I'm Eleanor" "Mom!" they both yelled An older version of who looked to be Olivia came to the door "Hey you two what did I say about answering the door!" she shooed them away "Hello I'm Eleanor I was wondering if I could speak to Olivia, please?" "Do you know my daughter?" "Um not really" "Are you a fan?" I don't know am I a fan? "No I well I guess?" "Okay come on in" "Olivia you have a visitor!" she screamed up the stairs "Mom you say it like I'm in prison!" she replied her family laughed and I smiled She seems like a fun person, now I'm really curious as to why they broke up. A girl came skipping down the stairs with a small belly. I froze, no she can't be. Is that why they broke up because Louis didn't want to be a father if so I can't stay with him I want kids in the future I... "Excuse me? Hello?" I took my eyes off her belly "You look like you've never seen a pregnant woman before." She laughed I cleared my throat "Ah sorry I'm Eleanor" we shook hands "I was wondering if I could talk to you about someone?" "Someone? Well I'm not much for gossip and I don't really know you..." "It's about Louis." Her face fell and her hand travelled to her stomach subconsciously I'm guessing "Is something wrong with him? Is he okay?" "No, no he's fine. I'm ah" She's definitely carrying his child...I don't want to make her upset, does he even know he's going to be a dad? "I'm Harry's girlfriend" I lied she didn't seem any happier "Oh um okay what is it you wanted to talk about? Here lets sit down." We sat on the couch "I'm sorry if I'm being nosy but why did you and Lou break up? He never seems completely happy and the lads say it's because he's had a harsh break up and the last person he dated was you and I just want to make him happy again." I exploded "Um..." "You don't have to answer if you don't want to but...yeah" "Well Eleanor that's the million dollar question." "What do you mean?" she sighed "We were perfectly fine one day and then the next he came home angry with a broken arm saying I didn't care about him which isn't...wasn't true. I loved him but he couldn't see it and he broke up with me." She looked like she was on the verge of tears "I'm sorry..." "I am too" she rubbed her stomach again I gulped "I-is it his?" She bit her lip "I would really appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone. If Louis doesn't want me why in the world would he want more than half my heart..." "So he doesn't know?" she let a few tears fall "I think it's time you go" "Okay, look I'm sorry if I intruded." "It's fine but I'm guessing Louis doesn't know about you coming to see me. As well as the rest of the gang, Eleanor I know your Louis's girlfriend. I make sure he's alright, you know. I also live in the world of social media." "S-sorry." "Don't be. I would've done the same" she smiled "I wish you all the best, bye" "Thanks bye Eleanor" And with that I left her house and drove home knowing I couldn't stay with Louis any longer, even if he doesn't know he has a child on the way, I do.

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