Fate, Love, and Life (A Louis Tomlinson Love Story) Pt 29

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Part 29

*Next morning, December 23rd*

Olivia's POV

I woke up and my clock said 1:00 pm why in the world am I up so late? I got out of bed and got ready for the day or what was left of it. I put an outfit Liam gave me, dedicated to Batman. I think it's cute really. Oh and I can't wait for tomorrow, it's Louis's Birthday! I got him and I matching Superman daily wear! Hopefully he'll love it! If not I'm definitely keeping what I got myself! I walked downstairs to see Louis shaking around a giant box covered in superman wrapping paper "Louis!" I screamed and he dropped his present, I grabbed it off the floor "You can't have it until tomorrow! "But I can't wait until tomorrow I want it now!" he whined "You're literally going to be 20 tomorrow and you're complaining to me about not opening the best gift ever a day early." "Can you at least give me a hint!" "I just did. I said it was the best gift ever." I smirked "Well that just makes me want to open it more!" I put it back in the closet and turned back around to see Louis's face contorted in disgust "Did Liam give you that outfit?" "Yes and I haven't worn it yet so I am today" "I like Superman better" "I know" I laugh If only he knew! I was about to ask him what the plans for today were when we heard the TV news –Many are snowed into their own homes and can't go anywhere for the holidays. Plane trips are being cancelled and won't fly until the day after Christmas. Roads...- "What?!" I shouted at the TV I immediately got my phone and called my Mom Ring Ring..."Hello?" "Hi Mom" "What's wrong darling you sound upset" "Can you put us on speaker?" "Yeah hold on" I covered the mic "Louis come here" "Okay guys you're on speaker for everyone "We can't come home for the holidays" spoke Lou "We've been snowed in and all flights have been cancelled until the day after Christmas." I finished "Awww the other side complained "Well you two have a safe Christmas and Happy Birthday Louis we'll see you two when we get back and hopefully we can spend Olivia's birthday together" said Louis's Mom "That sounds wonderful" I smiled "We love you two! Stay safe, goodbye" "We love you all too bye" and with that we hung up "Well looks like it's just us" I said to Louis "Yup" "Well I'm going to see how much snow is actually outside." We walked to the front door and just by touching the knob it was freezing. I pulled the front door open and snow came rushing in straight onto us! It's freezing! I came up from the pile of snow shivering "O-olivia" stuttered Lou as I went to close the door "Lets throw this s-snow back outside" I nodded After we finished throwing the snow back outside with our hands which was a bad idea we had blue lips and were shaking violently "I-I'm f-freez-zing" I said "L-let's c-change" I nodded agreeing and saw Louis already stripping down I started too, I didn't want to catch anything. I remember watching a TV show called Survival 101 and body heat is the best way to get warm "Hot b-bath" I said now only in my bra and underwear and he only in boxers We shuffled upstairs quickly and I turned the tub on the hottest setting and got in, I was numb. I waved Lou in and he stepped in, visibly relaxing. 20 minutes later we were finally defrosted enough that our lips weren't blue and I was now lying in Louis' arms in the bathtub. "Lets never do that again" he spoke "Agreed" I looked up at him and finally realized we were practically naked in a tub together. I was about to blush but I didn't have the time to as he brought his lips down onto mine.

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