Fate, Love, and Life (A Louis Tomlinson Love Story) Pt 3

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Part 3

Olivia's POV

"Why did God make people black, white, and brown? Why not the colors of the rainbow like red or something? Maybe it's because he already made the rainbow with the colors of the rainbow in it and white, black, and brown are considered colors too so he didn't want them to be left out and made people those colors? What if depending on the color of your skin people could tell where you're from? Like Americans purple, Irish green, and so on? But if you were from a lot of countries you would be tie die! That'd be so cool!" I said thinking aloud "What? I have no idea what you're talking about Olivia" Lacey questioned me, clearly confused "Well I do and that's all that matters" I smiled as she laughed No one ever really understands my logic so I'm used to it. I looked over at the wall clock seeing that it was 2:30 pm "Well I have to get going. I..." "Have to get to work. I know" Lacey finished as I gave a weak smile "Thanks for having me" I smiled and hugged her goodbye "Bye" I said sadly into the hug and let go "Bye" and with that I walked out of her house and straight to mine dreading the next day that would come

Louis's POV

Yesterday I noticed that apparently the Walmart girl worked with our management company too! So I picked her for the job and the lads agreed. The only thing Simon didn't tell us is that we got to pick one of our possible new workers...and that the one we picked would get put into a bunch of other people chosen until modest picked our new one. I hate when he tells us partial truths!

*Next Day*

Olivia's POV

"Liv I leave in an hour and I have nothing to wear!" complained Lacey as she was holding a striped shirt up "Why don't you just wear that shirt. Be happy you can pull it off. I can't wear stripes otherwise I look like a fat organized zebra. If you got it flaunt it as they say." She laughed and came in for a hug "I'm going to miss your crazy humor" she said sadly I sighed "I know that you took two years off before heading to college but why do you want to go now?" "Olivia I want to be a sculptor. I love art and it's my life goal. Don't you have a goal you want to achieve in life?" I thought about it for a moment "Go to Chile, be chilly, and eat chili at Chili's all at the same time." I replied "Well that's not really what I had in mind but I know that if you work hard for it you will succeed." "So you're saying B positive...a blood type and a saying!" she laughed again but before she could reply her mom called "Lacey hunny it's time to go!" my smile dropped "Okay mom!" she screamed back as I gave her a huge bear hug "I'll see you as much as I can when I come back for break" she whispered in my ear "I said I wouldn't cry...but it feels impossible not to" I let the tears stream down my face "I love you Liv" "I love you too Lace" and with that we walked down the stairs and out of the house in which Lacey drove off to college. I now have no friends...

Louis's POV

I went to Walmart with Niall just to see the girl again and she wasn't there! I asked the manager where I could find her and he said that she was let go yesterday! Unbelievable! Of course when I become interested in a girl she disappears. I guess Niall could feel my disappointment as he said "Why don't we head over to the Dollar Tree and pig out on a bunch of candy?" I smiled weakly and nodded my head We pulled into the parking lot and put our sunglasses on hoping no one would recognize us I walked right in and headed straight to the candy isle "Go pick whatever I'll meet you there in a minute" said Niall walking away as I gave him a thumbs up

Olivia's POV

It's my first day and I've already managed to screw up checking out items. How does that even happen! "Excuse me miss" said a thick Irish accent I looked up and saw a guy looking at me "Um...yes?" I replied "My mate over there is sad because he liked a girl but she just disappeared what candy do you recommend?" Mate? Oh friend! "Everything of course! Heartbreak sucks" he laughed and replied "Well thank you...Christina" "What?" he pointed to my nametag "Oh no that's not my name; you see I just got this job yesterday and I don't have a nametag yet." "Oh well then..." he was cut off "Niall I'm done" said the guy from yesterday "Hey, carrot boy!" I said and he smiled brightly "Walmart girl!" he screamed enthusiastically

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