Fate, Love, and Life (A Louis Tomlinson Love Story) Pt 28

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Part 28

Olivia's POV

*At Nandos*

Were almost done with breakfast and so far there hasn't been any distractions to us during our date I mean meal...honestly I don't know what this is. Well it's surprising either way; this place is packed. I never knew so many people could fit into one place at once and especially at breakfast time but it is freezing outside and snowing like crazy but that's England for you! "I'm almost done do you want to get going soon?" I asked Lou "Yeah sounds good" –"Excuse me Nandos customers we have just been informed that we have been snowed into the restaurant. Now please don't freak out help is on the way. Until then we have bathrooms and the food is on us, sorry."- My mouth dropped and there were groans from the crowds of people "You have got to be kidding me..." "Well on the bright side were comfy in our PJs" I smiled sheepishly at Lou Why did I have to pick Nandos...

*2 ½ hours later*

Some people are starting to freak out from being in here for so long. For me I'm actually having a great time with Lou, no learning and alone time with him (kind of), perfect! "Mommy I wanna go home" cried a little girl "Lou" I nodded my head in the little girls direction "Two is Better Than One?" he smiled and shook his head agreeing "Definitely" Hopefully this will calm everyone down. We started singing into the intercom without permission, you only live once! Everyone looked towards us and quieted down listening intently and when we finished the whole crowd clapped, Louis offered me a hug, and I accepted "I like your PJs!" someone shouted from the back "Thank you random guy in the back!" I pointed and shouted laughing with Lou and going to sit back down again 10 minutes later we were rescued from the restaurant and now we can finally go home! We hopped right into the car, Louis driving this time, and started driving back to the apartment

*At apartment*

I plopped down on the couch, sighing "Olivia what're you doing we have a lesson to attend!" "What? Lou I'm stuffed I can't eat anymore!" "Come on, get your lazy ass into the kitchen" "No" He sighed this time and started coming closer to me "L-lou what're you doing?" he grabbed me by my waist and flung me over his shoulders I squealed "Hey!" "You are going to learn and you are going to like it!" he set me down on a countertop but not before smacking my ass I laughed "So seeing things in a different light is your first challenge" he went to the fridge and pulled out precooked waffles "What do you see?" "Waffles" "Wrong!" I jumped "What am I supposed to be seeing then!" "Anything you want, I see a large arena filled with swimming pools for ants." "Original." "Exactly, now let's try another thing" We did this for an hour and finally after answering a few right we were 'done with the lesson' and the day.

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