Fate, Love, and Life (A Louis Tomlinson Love Story) Pt 26

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Part 26

Louis's POV

It's that time of the year again...since the world tour is over we get our long needed break! The lads are going to see their families for Christmas and Liv and I are going to fly in a few days to America to meet up with our families for vacation. We sent them there so we could all officially meet. Today is our last day together for two weeks. It doesn't sound like much but if they're the only people you hang out with it's a lot of time apart. "I am not boring!" complained Olivia to Liam...Liam, and that's saying something "Liv I hate to say it but Li's right. That's why I'm going to fix you!" I added giving her a kiss on her forehead "Oh really? Give me a snow mobile and a large tube I'll show you a good time" "Alright let's go!" exclaimed Harry "To the snow mobile place!" shouted Niall What have I got myself into?

Olivia's POV

I can't believe they actually took me to a snow mobile place "Okay so I need everyone to sign this waver with this funky emogi on it just in case. That way no one can blame me for anything." I said which seems like a good reason to sign a waiver, but I really just want to sell it on EBay haha "Have you ever driven one of these before?" asked Zayn timidly "Have you ever rode a donkey before?" I replied "Don't answer that just hop on! You too Mr. Olivia's-no-fun!" I said pointing to Louis and Liam "Which one of us is that?" asked Liam "Both of you, you're married now stop stalling!" "Haha" replied Lou sarcastically They all hopped on the large inflatable tube that was attached to the snow mobile and prepared for takeoff. I've never actually driven one of these things before but I have a general idea as to how it turns on so I think I'm good. The motor burst into life, yes! "Hold on tight!" I yelled over the motor

*After Ride*

Liam's POV

I feel like I'm going to puke. I'm dizzy and nauseous is this how pregnant women feel?

Olivia's POV

Everyone was covered in snow when we finished and I was laughing my ass off! They all looked like they got run over by a truck! Liam even passed out! "And you guys said I'm no fun!" they all groaned in response Now they were all lying in the snow belly up, Success!

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