Chapter 4- I dare you

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Once outside, she sighed contentedly. It felt good to release some anger. "What a show! You are a spitfire, love."
'God no. It was the rude bastard from before.' Caroline mentally groaned.

She sighed and faced him. This man was always smirking. "Who are you?" She asked. She did not want to start a conversation with him.

"Ouch! It has not been that long. Remember art gallery, we met for the first time there. Well, fate seems to have reunited us again." Klaus smiled at her.

"Right. Don't give me this bullshit." Caroline rolled her eyes.

"Join me for a drink, love." Klaus asked.

 "Hmm. I'd rather die of thirst but thanks." She smirked at him before going away.

"Come on, love wait." Klaus yelled across the road. 

"Are you serious? Take a hint." she said annoyed.

"Don't be that angry love, we had a little spat. I'm over it already." Klaus said to her. 

"Oh. I'm not." she raised her eyebrows.

"How can I make up myself?" Klaus asked.

"Well, you and your snowflake can leave me alone." She said annoyingly. 

"Oh come on sweetheart, take a chance. Talk to me," Klaus said taking a seat on the nearby bench he continued

 "Come on get to know me.I dare you," he smiled at her.

Caroline wanted to get away from there but a little part of her was curious. She was curious to know more about him. And that's why she stayed behind that night.

"Fine!" she said defeated. "So, what do you want to talk about?" she asked him.

"I want to talk about you," he said.  "Your hopes and dreams. Everything you want in life." She laughed.

"Just to be clear, I'm too smart to be seduced by you." She said. 

"That's why I like you." Klaus smiled showing his dimples.
"I did not catch your name, love."
"Well, I did not give it to you." Caroline retorted back childishly.

"You got me there." Klaus chuckled.
"Seriously, does that even work with women?" She asked in disbelief.
"You would be surprised."

"My name is Klaus Mikaelson."
"Caroline." she mumbled.

Klaus took her hand in his and kissed the palm of it. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Caroline."

She liked the way her name sounded on his tongue. She always had a thing for British accents. His voice sent tingles all over her body.

"It is an Italian name. A lovely name for a strong woman."
"Thank you!"

Caroline was nervous. Klaus kept staring at her. She should have been creep out but no, she liked his eyes.

"You have painted it, right?" Caroline asked quietly. He nodded.

"Why did you act like that back there? Why would you deny it? I don't know you, Klaus. You are like a puzzle.

"I have been betrayed many times. My brother, Elijah, had always believed that when you love someone and that person loves you in return you're uniquely vulnerable. They have the power to hurt you like nothing else. And the worst thing is, it is undeniably true. The people I had loved the most had betrayed me and I do no longer tolerate betrayal."

Caroline was listening attentively. She just thought Klaus was a great man.

"I've always admired Shakespeare's works. You obviously know him right?" Klaus nodded.
He once said, "doubt tho the stars are fire. Doubt that the sun doth move. Doubt truth to bear liar, but never doubt love."

Klaus was taken aback by her. He had never met someone like her. She was not only beautiful but smart also. He was wrong calling her naive. Caroline was definitely an exquisite woman. And Klaus wanted to know her, all of her. Her fire had already burned Klaus.

"Tell me about your passion." Caroline asked.
"Art is like an adventure into an unknown world which can be explored only be those willing to take risks. I believe when you paint, the picture must be a revelation, an unexpected and unprecedented resolution of an eternally familiar need. Art was always a thing I admired since I was kid. I traveled places to places in search of knowledge."


Klaus was surprising. He had been to so many places. Caroline envied that about him. After all, she was just a small town girl. She had yet to discover what the world truly has to offer.

"You are good. You're the first person I met who is passionate that much. I envy and respect you, Klaus."

She whispered, "a true artist is devoid of vanity, he knows that art is inexhaustible."

"Goodness! It is so late. I should go." Caroline was startled. She had been talking with for more than two hours. 

"Let me accompany you to your place. It will be improper to let a lady go back home alone in this darkness."

"Aren't you just a pleaser?" She chuckled.

They walked in a peaceful silence. Klaus was definitely attracted to Caroline. She drawn to her mind and body. Being around her made him feel like an open book. He was scared of this feeling, but he wanted more. However, he was Klaus Mikaelson, the beast. He could not fall in love with her.

Caroline wanted to get to know Klaus more. There was more to Klaus Mikaelson. Sure, he was a puzzle. But, Caroline was as stubborn as hell. She was not going to give up on him.

"I guess this is it." She trailed off nervously.

"I had a good time. Thank you." Klaus nodded. "Likewise."

"Goodnight, Caroline." he whispered.

"Klaus!" Caroline called out.
She wanted him to known what she truly felt about him before it was too late. Klaus Mikaelson was an unpredictable man.

"You are worth more than you think. I just wanted you to know that." Klaus smiled at her.

"Sweet Dreams, love."

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