Chapter 13- Old Crush

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"So you are saying that you felt horrible to what you said to Klaus" Katherine said taking a bite from her pancake.

 Caroline nodded drinking her coffee. 

"I felt guilty for what I said but I did the right thing"

"You know Care, you are not to blame. Trust me. I know his father and if he doesn't want you near his son, there must be a reason but let's not think about it" Katherine tried to cheer up her mood

. "Elijah contacted you?" Caroline questioned Kat. 

"Not at all, I think he's been avoiding me" Kat said deep in her thoughts. 

Both girls had their problem going on.

Caroline wanted to ask Kat something but she did not know how to ask her, she preferred the direct method 

"How's you and Stefan?" she asked Kat.

 She sighed "I don't even know. These past days he seemed ......distant. I have no idea what to do"

"What do you mean? Did he know about you and Elijah?" Caroline queried her. 

"Stefan knew about my past relationship with Elijah but I confirmed with him that I love him.....only him" Kat rejoined.

 "You're having second thoughts. As the rule said if you're having second thoughts about something, go with the second. Because the first obviously wasn't good enough"

Caroline continued on "Stefan is one of my best friend, I don't want to see him hurt. I suggest you make a choice as soon as possible".

 "I don't know Care" Kat pouted, 

Caroline sighed "You can't  always make good choices. Sometimes you have to settle for making a choice you can live with and always remember to make the good choices so that you have no regrets for tomorrow"

They were both discussing their problems to each other. That's what best friends do. Friends come and go like waves of the ocean....But the true ones stick, like an octopus on your face. They had been talking for hours. Caroline was thinking about something when Kat interrupted her

 "I need to go Care, I have a meeting with some people. I'll see you on the morrow" Caroline nodded 

"Bye! Take care"

"Now what will I do?" Caroline muttered feeling bored.

 She decided to go and wondered in the alleys of New York. 

New York was an extraordinary city, sure she would have something to discover. She was walking down the streets when she noticed a little boutique. She went inside out of curiosity.

Once inside, she saw simple dresses each with different designs yet elegant. A strapless black dress with golden embroideries caught the attention of Caroline. She put it on, the dress fitted her perfectly. She looked in the mirror at awe. 

"I'll take it" she said to the worker.

 After she had paid her dress, she decided to grab something to eat as she was famished.


While eating her hamburger, she heard a voice behind her "Caroline Forbes, The world is indeed small"

She turned around to see someone she had never expected to see again since they both parted ways when they were still in college. 

"Ollie! What's a pleasure to see you in town "Caroline exclaimed cheerfully.

 "Whoa! Whoa! Care you had put on weight" Ollie joked making Caroline smacked him.

Caroline saw that Ollie was carrying a tray with a hamburger and a large portion of chips. 

"Oliver Queen eating a hamburger. Is it a new policy of the Queen" she joshed.

 "Well let's say when I was visiting Texas for a work, where I was staying the only food available was hamburger. So I took a pleasure eating it. It's quite tasty"

They both laughed. 

"It's good to see you Care" Oliver said looking at Caroline in admiration. 

"Are you still with that Tyler guy?" he questioned inquiring.

 Oliver saw how the bright smile on Caroline's face fell. She looked down at her plate and then whispered

 "We broke up. It's.....complicated. But am happy now"

"Well he didn't deserve you" Oliver pointed.

 Caroline met Oliver before dating Tyler though Tyler did not know Oliver. Both of them had a crush on each other back in college but they were too sheepish to admit it. They needed to part ways because Oliver's parents were moving into a new house in Australia. Since then, they texted from time to time but eventually lost contact with each other.

"What are you doing here?" Oliver asked her.

 "I lived here, I work in a tea parlor called The Russian Tea Room. I sang at the nights" she answered. 

"What about your dream being a journalist"

"Am still working on it. They are not employing people and the first I got flirted with me all the time. So, I quit or you got the second one when I was working, he just took a chance to stare at my butt. How gross!" she said disgusted making him chortled. 

"Hey that's was rude" Caroline shot him a death glare.

"Stop with that glare. It's creepy and its look like you want to murder someone" he said making Caroline giggled. 

'How he miss her laughs' he thought.

"How's Thea?" Caroline asked.

 "She's fine. She's no more drugging herself". Caroline smiled

 "It's good to see the old sweet little Thea back huh"

"That it is" he returned the smile.

 After eating and chatting for exactly thirty minutes, Oliver offered to accompany Caroline to her apartment which she accepted.

 "Mr. Queen has gentleman manners" she teased.

 "That's my father. I'm rather the Adonis Queen in disguise" he commented.

 Arriving in front of her door Caroline asked 

"How many days or weeks are you planning to stay?"

"You're so impatient for me to leave" Oliver said touching his heart in a playful way.

 "It's not that... you know. I was wondering. We may catch up these past years" 

"Catch up you mean.... Party..... Flirting and not to forget to mention tequila"

She nodded "Exactly.... That's the spirit"

Caroline was opening the door of her apartment when Oliver called her name. She turned back to see Oliver staring at her with intensity. The way he looked at her somehow sent shivers down her spine. Even they a little crush when they were adolescents, they are still attracted to each other. This attraction is present.

He came closer to her and pulled her into a kiss. His kiss began softly, slowly gaining passion. At first he was hesitant but when Caroline returned him passionately he responded by pulling even her more closer to him afraid that if he let go, she would disappeared. Caroline felt his tongue running across her bottom lip and she opened her mouth to grant him entry. Soon, his tongue began exploring her mouth. She kissed him lustfully, the feel of her soft lips against his both infuriating and placating. She ran her fingers in his hair, moaning when he reached her soft spot. He let a trail of kisses down her jawline, neck and once again his lips covered hers in a long warm kiss that left her short of breath.

She pulled apart catching her breath

 "What was that for?" she said breathing in and out. She knew the answer by his most flaky and childish smile.

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