Chapter 20- It took her long enough

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"Katherine" he said surprised. 

"Can I come in?" Katherine asked. 

"Sure" Stefan replied. 

They were both nervous, they didn't know what to say to each other. It's been three weeks they didn't talk to each other.

"Can I offer you something to drink?" Stefan asked.

 "A glass of water will be fine" she uttered in a quiet voice. 


"So why are you here?" Stefan asked although he had an idea of her arrival. 

"We need to talk to Stefan" Katherine said.

 "OK, What do you want to talk about" he said.

Katherine took a deep breath 

"I'm really sorry for hurting your feelings, you need to trust me when I said I never intend to do so. I love you Stefan but these past months I didn't feel the same way" she said but  could not prevent the tears from coming out. She tried so hard not to cry.

"Hey...hey! Look at me. It's OK Katherine" Stefan cupped her cheeks.

 "No, it's not" Katherine stood up, her back facing him. 

"You don't understand I'm no longer in love with you" she cried. 

"I want to be but I can't. Every time you said you love me that hurts me knowing that I don't feel the same way as you do"

She continued "I tried so hard to move on when Elijah and I broke up. Then, I met you. I thought that you were the right match for me, that you could make me feel a way that no one else had. I fell in love with you. I didn't want a perfect person, I just wanted someone to act silly with, someone who treats me well and loves being with me more than anything. You were there when I needed you the most. God! I hate myself for hurting your feelings" she sobbed.

"Katherine please! It's not your fault for falling in love with Elijah. It's not your fault. Maybe I wasn't good enough for y-

"she cut him off "Don't you dare say that! You have never failed me, you had been a friend, an ear, a pillow, a lover when I needed you. Even though I pushed you away you remain by my side. So don't you dare that you weren't good enough for me" she raised her voice.

"You never failed me" she repeated again and again "You never failed me, OK"

"OK" Stefan said. 

"I guess this is it, you made your choice" Stefan smiled, she nodded.

 "I have been lucky to date a Petrova lady and you don't need to feel guilty just because you are no longer in love with me but with someone else. As I said before it's not your fault, you can't prevent to whom you fall in love" Stefan said.

"Thank you" Katherine said and added "Friends then?" she asked. 

"Friends" Stefan confirmed shaking hand with her.


**At the Mikaelson's mansion**

"Mother! Father! Welcome back" Elijah greeted his parents.

 "Elijah my beloved son, I miss you. I hope your brothers and sister didn't cause you any trouble" Esther asked her elder son.

 "No, mother. Rest assured"

"Your father and I are really exhausted from our trip. We will be resting in our room" Esther said grabbing her luggage.

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