Chapter 25- You're not alone

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So, this was the chapter you were all waiting for!!


Elijah took out his phone and dialled a number.

"Hey!" Caroline said with her cheerful voice.

"Niklaus needs you!"


Caroline's p.o.v

"What happened?" I asked.

"Niklaus has found the truth about..." Elijah stopped in middle conversation.

"About...??" Caroline asked.

"Mikael is not his father. I'm pretty sure you know how my father is" Elijah said worried.

"But what matters now is that you are the only person I can turn myself to. He needs you more than you can think" Elijah asked.

To Caroline, he seemed desperate. No matter how Elijah was begging her, she had already made her mind. She would help Klaus even if she was one against the whole world. Love always came in victory.

 'But who knows'

"Don't worry Elijah, I'll find him and bring him back" Caroline reassured him.

She let out a sigh when she hung up. She had told him that she would find his brother but honestly she had no idea where to search.

After a few minutes, she was already giving up.

"No Caroline it's not time to give up. Not after convincing yourself that he is the one for you" she reassured herself.

She was walking, more likely running in the middle of nowhere. She was searching for him. It was in the middle of the night. She had no time to be scared of what could happen to her in the night.

She was standing against a tree breathing in and breathing out. She was exhausted.

"Did you see that man who was yelling at the hotel?" Caroline heard a woman said to his husband.

At that instant, she already knew that the man was Klaus. Immediately, she ran to see that couple.

"Excuse me!" she called.

"The man......where did you see him?" she asked desperately.

"Why are you asking?" the couple asked her.

She was not in the mood for answering questions. 

'Why the hell couldn't they just answer that damn question' she thought.

"Because....... Because" she whispered.

"He's someone I care about" she shouted.

"I think we saw him at Hotel Pennsylvanian" the woman told her.

"Thank you very much" she thanked them.

"What a strange girl!" the wife said to her husband.


Without losing no time, she hired a cab to drive her to Pennsylvanian Hotel. She had no time to lose. Each second were counting. She would save him from his darkness.

The darkness that surrounds us cannot hurt us. It is the darkness in our own heart that we should fear.

When the taxi arrived, she rushed in the reception.

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