Chapter 29- Why is it not fading away?

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As you know my story, is based on a song Careless Whisper. A song which was sing by George Michael. He died three days ago. His songs were wonderful. Please do listen to the song, to quite understand my story. 


1820 Mystic Falls,

"Mother, why do people think that misfortune has befallen over our family?"

"Elizabeth, why are you asking this?"

"The people in the villages, my friends don't talk to me anymore. Mother, why's that"

"How long are you going to hide the truth from me?" Elizabeth sobbed in her mother's arms.

"Women in the Forbes family are cursed. They are destined to carry a life full of misfortune, despair and solitude"

"Then, why do they call us "High Believers"?

"I still don't know. I got a child and I don't know the reason. The truth is we don't know why or how we got the name of "High Believers". I'm sure it's not half about only that we believe in all types of things"

"But, I don't understand" Elizabeth argued.

"You fell in love once, with our father. Your love created me"

"I know, but look more closely where that love brought us. Your father has left us in a life of poverty. He abandoned us for a vulgar woman; he met only in a few weeks"

"The old women in the Forbes Family that is your and my ancestors have said that even God pitied us"

"He sympathised with us, granting us to know a little happiness which could last only for day, one month or for years. But we can't know for sure"

"But that's nonsense mother. Misfortune, Cursed all of this, people aren't born with misfortune" Elizabeth stated.

"I know sweetheart, it seems impossible but it's like that. We believed that if people can be born with kindness, they can also be born with evilness or misfortune"

"Heavy misfortunes have befallen us, but let us only cling closer to what remains, and transfer our love for those whom we have lost to those who yet live. Our circle will be small, but bound close by the ties of affection and mutual misfortune. And when time shall have softened your despair, new and dear objects of care will be born to replace those of whom we have been so cruelly deprived."

*Back in the present*

"Good morning!" Caroline said.

"Morning, love" Klaus smiled at her.

"I did not see you waking up. You should havewaked me up" Caroline said. 

   "Well, you seem to be in quite a sleep, love. I didn't want to disturb you" Klaus removed his sweaty shirt off him.

"Why birds?" Caroline asked, intrigued.

"You mean that" Klaus said pointing to his tattoo.

She nodded.

"I don't know, maybe it's because they are free to do whatever they want, to go wherever they want"

"The best freedom is being you"

"The best freedom is being you" she repeated.

As she cautiously lay down on his bed, unaware of his plans for her were, she moved her hair away from the right side of her neck and shut her eyes.

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