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{Advice: comment as much as you want. This is the last chapter.}

Laura's POV

Turns out Rowan wasn't so bad after all. We talked and talked. She even gave me some of her clothes! Yes, she's younger than me, yet taller but our body size is about the same.

Can you imagine how happy I am right now? I'm legit jumping up and down right now, and Vanessa is staring at me from her bed.

"Laura, will you leave?" she asked irritatedly.

I jumped up and down. "Nope!" I replied, still being hyper.

My dark-haired sister sighed and got up. Then pushed me out of her room.

I crossed my arms and glared at the closed door.


"Go freak out in your room!"

I 'humph'ed before turning to walk into my room and pulled out my laptop.

"musicallyross." I muttered to myself as I typed in Ross' channel name on YouTube.

"NEW VIDEO!!" I screamed when I saw a newly-uploaded video. I instantly clicked into it, which was entitled: rant.

"Hello everyone, Ross here again and today, I'm going to sing a song, but before that I'm going to rant, as the title has said." he said. "As you know, my tour is in progress and now I'm in Los Angeles. And there's this girl who I know through her mails sent to me. We talked for a while and she is the most amazing girl I've ever talked to."

"Hey, I'm amazing!" I hear Rydel's voice.

"You're not amazing. You're annoying!" Ross yelled. I rolled my eyes and smiled. Typical siblings.

"Anyway, as I was saying. She came to my concert last night and at the entrance, she was attacked by some girls because they were jealous of her for being able to hang out with me. At least I guess that's the reason. And all I want to say is that, Laura is an amazing girl and she doesn't deserve to be treated like this. I understand that you may be jealous and did it out of no bad intentions, but seriously. There were so many fangirls outside and basically everyone attacked her. Have you ever thought how she would feel? She was hurt and bruised, you guys, not just physically but also emotionally. She had a nightmare about fangirls, and had cried in my arms. Not only did you hurt her, but me too. It was like a knife stabbed into my heart, it was massive pain."

Tears stung my eyes and I let them fall as the blonde continued talking.

"Don't disrespect her, I beg of you. She's only human, and she has feelings, just the same as all of you. So please, don't hurt her anymore. Hate is obviously normal but at least, don't join the 'Laura hate club' and send her all those negative messages. Keep your opinions to yourself. She doesn't deserve anything you did. Me being a celebrity, I've known how to deal with hates, but Laura hasn't. She's just a normal 19-year-old, and leading a normal life." he said pleadingly, his brown orbs staring straight at me through the screen, like he was staring into my soul. "This is a song written by myself. This is for you, Laura.

When you're on your own
Drowning alone
And you need a rope that can pull you in
Someone will throw it

And when you're afraid
That you're gonna break
And you need a way to feel strong again
Someone will know it

And even when it hurts the most
Try to have a little hope
That someone's gonna be there when you don't
When you don't

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