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"Dude it won't come out of my beard"
Andy said trying to get the now dried glue off his face

Brendon just laughed

Tyler was still asleep in the guest room so I decided to leave him be

"Here lemme help" joe said, grabbing a wet paper towel and wiping Andy's face
We all 'awe'd at them
Then pete and patrick blurted out

"I don't think their as straight as they thought they were"

We all laughed along and andy just told us to fuck off

All of a sudden there was a massive thud
And a scream

I ran past the boys immediately to get to Tyler
I ran into the room to see him on the floor winded and gasping for air

I gasped and dropped to the floor
I flipped him over
"Tyler I'm gonna put the tube on okay, it'll help"
He just laid there gasping for air

I hooked it onto him and sat him up against the bed

"Tyler just take deep breaths"

"I (breath) can't (breath)"

I cradled him in my arms and yelled out

He was already at the door

"Call an ambulance now"
He nodded vigorously, fumbling with his phone trying to turn it on and dial the number

I turned back to Tyler

"C'mon it's okay, breath"
I pressed my lips to his head and spoke against his skin

"Stay alive"

He shut his eyes, still trying hard to breath

"Keep your eyes open, please"
I said as I cupped his face

"My chest (breath) it hurts (breath) bad"
I hugged him close, holding his head
"I'll make sure you'll be okay"

I turned to brendon who had the phone to his ear

He flinched at my sudden yelling
But soon after, the medics came rushing in and put Tyler on a stretcher
I followed
They put him in the back of the ambulance and let me in too

"What happened"

"I don't know I heard a thud and then he screamed my name, I found him on the ground winded and I hooked him up to his oxygen tank but he said he still couldn't breath and his chest hurt"

"Why does he have an oxygen tank"

"He has cancer in his lungs"

"Does he get chemo"

I nodded

"Yes he gets it once a week and he has had it twice already"

They just nodded

"Okay just sit down and try to calm yourself"
I nodded

"Are you immediate family"
I shook my head


"Do you know his family"

"I've only been in his house once but he has been saying over at my house and another friends house, I asked him why and he said his dad can be abusive, that's all he said"

They nodded

Just a teenage boy~ JoshlerWhere stories live. Discover now