Chapter Three

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Somewhere Underground May 20th 2032

1:13 AM

I winced from the extreme headache that encompassed my brain. My eyes peeped open slowly. Where am I? I sat up ignoring the spike of pain that shot through my forehead. I sat in a small bed in a small room. Its walls were white, the floors were white the bed was white along with the door to my right. Two white closet doors sat in front of me and a small white nightstand sat to my right. On top of it sat a small device along with my PyroSuit collar. What was I wearing? I glanced at the cloth that wrapped around my body. It was cotton pajamas, shorts and a t-shirt. Also white. I pulled my legs out of the bed swinging them to the right. I picked up the small device. I realized that it looked a lot like a framed piece of glass. It was small enough to fit in my hand but big enough that if I dropped it I would find it.

It started to hum as I touched it and flipped it over examining it. Suddenly a deep mechanical voice emanated from its very surface.

"Michael Roller's fingerprints recorded and stored in memory."

I jumped at least ten feet. Well maybe not that high but still. I looked at the screen and a small lined face had appeared. It had no features only the slight shape of a male face.

"Congratulations on being the proud owner of a GlasChip." It hummed.

"Uh thanks? I guess." I said out loud. Was this thing voice activated?

"Michael Roller's voice recorded and stored in memory."

Ok so it was voice activated. "Where am I GlasChip?"

"Please set all remaining personal settings. First are you Michael Russell Roller?" It hummed completely ignoring my question.

"Yes I am." I said.

"Confirmed." It said. "Second what is your favourite color?"

"Green." I said with no hesitation.

"Confirmed." The entire glass surface became the hue of deep rich grass.

"Third do you have a preferred face? For me of course. I will answer to that person's name take on that person's voice and take that person's face." It asked.

This was getting a little weird. Whose face do I enjoy looking at? Marias.... Well since she hates me and I'm who knows where might as well take advantage of it. "Maria VanTriten."

"Scanning databanks for Maria VanTriten." The lined face disappeared.

"Confirmed." This time it wasn't the creepy deep voice but the voice of my crush. The face had changed to her pretty face. Wow it was well done.

"All personal settings complete." Maria said.

"Ok Maria." I said. This is kind of weird talking to Maria in a piece of glass. "Where am I?"

"Sorry before I can answer your questions I must notify you. You have two missed messages." Her face shrunk and went to the corner of the screen and a little envelope appeared in the center. "One from a Travis Roller and the other from a Mr. Mizu."

"Alright show me this Mr. Mizu's message." I said to her.

The envelope and Maria disappeared. The screen was filled with the silhouette of a single person. I couldn't tell what he really looked like.

"Hello Michael." He said. "I really wish we could meet in person but this is the best I can do. I trust you made it safely."

"You're probably wondering where you are. Well you are in the American underground base of the Agents of E.A.R.T.H. We are one of the most secret organizations of all time. I can't tell you everything but I'm sure you will ask your GlasChip a lot of things. I have to ask you if you would like to join our organization. I see great potential in you and your brother. If you accept my offer then place your PyroSuit inside the slot by the door. If you have any pressing questions feel free to contact me."

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