Chapter Five

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Somewhere Underground May 20th 2032

9:59 AM

My blood ran cold and my sweat froze to my back. Natera! Now after all I told her would I turn out to be a liar?

I watched anxiously wanting to scream, wanting to help but my fear had paralyzed me. The Hunter faltered once, and then re-aimed. Then a miracle occurred. It fell to the jungle floor completely shut off.


General Tyke? Hey, does that mean?

"Yup you all pass! Everyone who survived this hour is now allowed to go on to the next test. Good work."

Um that's it?


Travis scrambled down the tree in haste pushing me off my already precarious perch. I fell hitting the dirt hard. Ouch.

"John no! You have to get up! We were going to win this thing together remember? You were going to show me how to do that accent and be all muscular and stuff..." He stopped and I could hear a gentle sob.

"Travis," I started but I stopped when our surroundings began to change. The trees crumpled and fell being almost absorbed. The grass and vines disappeared beneath our feet and soon we stood on concrete. How did they do that?

The scenery melted and soon we were in the large intimidating room once again. And what I saw made me shiver.

Bodies littered the entire room as far as I could see. Not even ten feet away lay a girl who couldn't have been a year older than Natera. My eyes shied away from the terrible sight and focused back on the devastated Travis.

"Travis it's going to be ok."

"No its not." He growled deeply.

Oh dear. He was angry. When my brother is mad he tends to spiral out of control very quickly.

"It's all your fault, Natera!" He yelled spinning around, pointing an accusatory finger at her.

"Wha? My fault?" She said her voice slightly stunned.

"If you had climbed the tree then John would have been up there already and out of harms way! And you!" He turned to me with rage crackling in his eyes.

"You were so slow that neither of them made it up! Are you trying to get us killed? Is that what your doing?" He was full out snarling now in an almost maniacal rage.

"Calm down Travis. It's no ones' fault." I said trying to still my quacking voice. Why am I so scared? Travis wouldn't hurt me. Would he?

"This is for John!" He yelled charging at me fist raised.

"Travis stop!" I put my hands in front of myself trying to block his flying fist.

In a flash of yellow that I couldn't even see Volt had appeared standing behind Travis. He held Travis's wrists tight.

"Let me go!" Travis growled struggling to move.

"Not if your going to hurt my charge." Volt said whispering in Travis's ear. "If you try to touch him I will not hesitate to destroy you."

"Woah, woah!" I said waving my hands in the air. "No ones destroying anyone!"

"Watch yourself punk." Volt said letting Travis go. He immediately rubbed his wrists turning, to glare at Volt.

Tykes voice came back over our heads. "Alright I'm done now. I'm finished with you punks. I enjoyed watching your performance and I am looking forward to seeing who is able to pass the next two tests. Good luck and God Speed. Tyke out."

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