Chapter Seven

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Somewhere Underground, May 20th 2032

I stood on the outside of the "carnival". It was an actual carnival. There was even a Ferris wheel! A Ferris wheel? How did they move all this stuff in here without anyone noticing? I mean seriously Ferris wheels aren't easy to set up. I watched one back home being put together when the fair came to Saskatoon. It took them three days. Home.... I wish I were home now...

I was shook out of my thoughts as Volt slapped me on the back.

"Vell don't just stand there! Let's go!" He laughed.

I walked behind him sullenly. This whole thing was pointless. How in the world will Natera and I pass? Travis and Natera stood behind us chatting completely ignoring everything Volt and I were saying.

"Buck up child." Volt punched me lightly in the shoulder. "I have confidence in your abilities."

"Well that's comforting I guess." I shrugged not really meaning my words.

"Comrade y- "Volt began and stopped.

"Volt?" I said turning to look at him. He stared off in the distance no longer focused on me.

"Wha?" He said snapping out of his daze.

I turned to where he had been looking. A woman who was astonishingly beautiful stood to the left of a cotton candy stand. She spoke with a boy who looked familiar. Arzon?

"Who is that with Arzon?" I looked to Volt again but he was once again completely focused on the woman.

"Huh?" Volt said not even looking at me.

I frowned and poked him in the belly.

"Gah! What is it you want?" He said turning in my direction.

"Who is that woman and why are you so captivated by her?" I said raising an eyebrow.

"That is something a child like you has no need to know." Volt dismissed my question with a wave of his hand.

"I refuse that answer." I said poking his belly twice more.

"Stop that! You are acting like a little child." Volt scowled at me.

"Tell me!"

"Alright, alright." Volt sighed and looked at me.

"Her name is Vixen. She is a part of my squad and," He turned and looked at her again. "She has captured my heart."

"Captured your heart?" I asked. "Isn't that a little dramatic?"

"Drama is the hearts way of expressing itself." Volt said simply.

"Oh I see." Although I didn't really get what he was saying. "She is kind of pretty."

"Kind of pretty? She is a goddess of inspiration and beauty. The very songwriters only need see her face and they are filled with beautiful melodies." He said so seriously in his Russian accent that I almost burst out laughing. I couldn't completely contain myself and I let slip a slight giggle.

"It is not funny!" Volt said. "I am going to speak with her."

"Wait does she even like you?" I asked.

"No. I can get any voman but her to fall for me. It is vedy frustrating." He frowned as if remembering past failures.

"Well good luck then." I said waving as he walked away. I turned to talk to Natera and Travis but they were gone. Probably went to hang out some friends. How did they make friends so easily and I'm left here by myself?

I wandered the slight pathways. It seemed so out of place this little carnival in the huge room. I found a few food carts and took a hot dog and some pizza. It filled me up and as I got a drink from a soda machine that was absolutely free I saw a sight that took my breath away. Rayanne. The doll from before.

She had a slight crowd following her, mostly guys all basically drooling. She came up to the pop machine I was at and smiled at me. My eyes I swore grew to size of baseballs. Up close she was at least ten times as marvelous. She smelled like flowers and I swayed slightly.

"Are you alright?" She asked sweetly. Was she talking to me?

"I-I-I..." I stuttered trying to say something.

"You seem a little pale." She frowned slightly making her cuter. Then she did the unthinkable. She touched my forehead with the back of her soft cool hand.

"And your forehead feels a little warm. You should maybe go to the tent and get a little rest." She smiled and I felt a feeling that was suspiciously familiar. Oh no. I am not throwing up again.

"EXCUSE ME!" I yelled and ran past her hand over my mouth.

I stopped near a trash can and waited to see if anything was going to be flying out of my mouth. Nothing. Phew. I had thought I was going to have a repeat of my earlier mistake.

"Hey." A deep slightly muffled voice said close to me. I jumped a bit and turned. Standing there with his arms crossed was the impressive Arzon. Now that I was close to him I was really able to study his features. He was tall, at least three inches taller than me which made him very intimidating. He wore a grey hoodie along with some faded blue jeans. His eyes were a stark blue and he frowned at me, all other features hidden beneath the half mask.

"Why do you try?" Arzon said almost angrily.

"Wha? What do you mean?" I said confused at his random question.

"Why are you trying to be an agent? I mean your obviously not going to make it. Believe me this is my second time doing the three exams and you will not pass the third even if you do manage to somehow pass the second." He said all this without batting an eye.

"I will pass. I have to." I said seriously.

At this statement he frowned his blue seemingly turning stormy and dark. "I don't want a wuss like you on my team. For the sake of all the other competitiors who actually are trying hard, just stop. It's obvious your drive isn't strong enough and your will is soft." He said this quietly but with a sinister air.

"I will not. My mom is on the line, so no matter how m-much you threaten me, I will p-pass." I said stuttering ever so slightly in fear.

"Your mom? No wonder it seems you don't have it in you. Just remember what I said. If you have any brains in that soft mushy head of yours, you'll fail on purpose." He looked down on me and I knew how it felt to be a bug under a microscope.

He walked off his back slightly hunched hands shoved in his hoodie pocket. Maybe he was going to go and spread his cheery message to other wusses. This wuss was going back to the bleachers.

I wonder where Volt went? I thought to myself as I walked across the small expanse of concrete to the bleachers. I climbed up and sat down and immediately the hairs on my neck began to rise.

"Hello Michael." A familiar voice said and there sitting beside me in a flowing robe was Mr. Mizu. He looked majestic and so out of place. He had a water like pattern design on his robe along with a Chinese character on the lower half.

"Hello Michael." He said again this time impatiently as if I was a student in his class and had been caught sleeping.

"Oh um hi?" I said not quite sure if that was the proper way to greet him.

His face had caught me off guard. The left half was covered in water and it ran straight into his robe. Not dripping or splashing but just smoothly running over. The other half was a mask. No mouth just a black eye like shape. How he saw through it I had no clue.

"Your probably wondering what I am doing here. Good question. I feel bad for forcing you through the first test so from the kindness in my heart I will help you get by the second test." He said. It was strange hearing his voice but not seeing his lips move.

"Help me?" I said confused. Him being here was confusing.

"This might hurt." He said and reached forward. I didn't react in time and all I saw as my vision blurred was a needle being pulled out of my neck.


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