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Kristen yawned and was quickly scared when she saw she wasn't in her bedroom. She soon remembered she was in Alan's guest room, after Alan dragged her to the pet store last night she decided the walk to her house was too far so they just ended up going to his.

She threw off the fuzzy blanket and lazily pushed herself off of the bed. She was only in her underwear and a large t-shirt that belonged to Alan since she didn't have any other clothes. She wrapped the blanket around herself, not bothering to put on pants since Alan probably wasn't awake yet.

Kristen left the room and followed the hallway to the living room. She jumped on the couch and turned on the tv that, unluckily, was on 40 volume. She jumped for the remote and quickly turned down the volume to 20 and let out a sigh of relief. She zoned out as she absentmindedly watched Steve Wilkos.

She heard a patter of feet come down the wooden stairs and she grinned knowing it was one of Alan's cats.

She waited for the purring cat to jump up on the couch and crawl In her lap. "Hi babe." Kristen giggled as she pet Lady softy behind her ears as she purred and wiggled around. Kristen wrapped the blanket over Lady once she layed down in her lap.

"I don't know who you are but I will call the police if you don't get out!" Kristen jumped at the loud voice booming from the other room. Kristen turned and focused her vision in on a very sleepy and hungover Alan.

"Calm down, Alan." She laughed at the sight of Alan in his boxers and holding a plastic baseball bat. Alan's face turned confused and he dropped the bat and brought his hand to his forehead while groaning.

"Why are you here?" Alan asked confused as he stumbled into the kitchen and walked back out with a pill bottle and a water. He sat down next to Kristen on the couch and his eyes accidentally drifted to her legs and he saw she was only in her underwear. He quickly looked away and blushed. "Um..You're not wearing pants.." He drifted off and focused in on the tv.

Kristen quickly tossed the blanket back over her, making lady fall onto the ground. "Shit-ew oh my god I forgot, I'm sorry." Kristen stuttered a bit as her face flushed complelty red.

"It's alright. So why are you here?" Alan asked, completely un aware of what happened last night from being so drunk.

"Well, okay so you got smashed and wanted to buy a kitten, so we did, and you're house was closer so I just crashed here." Kristen explained and laughed at the surprised look on his face.

"I got another cat! Why would you let me do that!" Alan laughed and continued to take the meds. Kristen soon realized she hadn't talked to her dad about it and her phone was upstairs. She quickly got up and walked to the room with the blanket wrapped around her.

She found her phone and saw she had 17 missed calls and 30 messages varying from her uncles and dad. She slipped on a pair of random sweatpants that were in a hamper. She didn't want to put her clothes back on considering they were too uncomfortable to chill out in.

She went back to the living room and decided to call her dad. After a couple rings he picked up and automatically started lecturing her.

"Where are you?! You cant just leave without saying anything and not come home! I was so close to calling the cops, I couldn't even sleep. You're grounded, now tell me where you are so I can come get you." Vic went on yelling over the phone. She would absolutely be dead when she told him she's at Alan's.

"Daddy, I stayed at Alan's because he was really drunk.." She said quietly, secretly hoping he wouldn't hear her.

"Tony and I are coming right now." He said angrily and hung up without saying anything else.

"I'm sorry for getting you in trouble.." Alan apologized and Kristen waved him off. She explained it was fine and she got back off of the couch and walked to the kitchen to find the new kitten laying on a kitchen chair.

Kristen smiled and picked him up, he was so soft and he had a calico coat. She recalled Alan naming him Mars, so Kristen carried Mars out to Alan and she plopped him in Alan's lap.

"Awh, a little baby." Alan cooed softly as he cuddled the kitten.

"You named him Mars." Kristen laughed and went back to the kitchen to get a pop tart out of one of the cupboards. She walked back with her uncooked strawberry pop tart and rested her head on Alan's shoulder.

There was a loud knocking on the door which made me jump up and run to it. She unlocked it and opened it up to a angry Vic and a tired Tony.

"Why do you always do this?! What makes you think you can just do whatever you want?" Vic yelled making Kristen cringe back away from him.

"I'm sor-" Vic cut her off quickly.

"No, stop." He said and marched over to where Alan sat on the couch watching us quietly. "You're a fucking adult Alan! Leave my daughter alone." Vic spat and Alan stood up with his hand up in defense. The fact he was only in his boxers infuriated my dad even more. My dad looked me up and down and saw that I was in Alan's clothes and he flipped shit.

"What the fuck happened? Why are you in his clothes?! I swear to god if you guys-"

"Stop! Fucking stop. Dad, no we didn't have sex, he's my best friend, you have 0 trust and respect for me and I'm fucking sick of it! You may be my dad but you have no right to accuse me of this shit as if I'm this girl that sluts around with older men. If you're trying to be the worst dad, you're fucking winning." Kristen shouted, not regretting a word of it in the moment. Hurt flashed across Vic's face and Tony placed his hand on Kristen's shoulder. Kristen pulled away and stormed out of the front door. She got into the back of the car and slammed the door waiting for her dad and uncle to get in so they could go.

The entire ride home was silent, everybody either angry or upset. Once they got back Kristen went inside and went straight to her room, slamming the door and locking it in the process.

After 10 minutes there was a knock and it was Vic trying to apologize but Kristen just plugged her phone into speakers and blasted Simple Plan so she couldn't hear her dads attempts to apologize.

This went on for hours until it was dinner time and she got a text from Mike asking what she wanted.

Kristen didn't answer and just proceeded to angrily mouth the words to the music while she hid under her blankets.

Daddy Dearest (Vic Fuentes) On Hold Where stories live. Discover now