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They walked into the hospital, well Andy carried Kristen on his back. They all got up to the front desk and the young lady behind the desk looked them all over with her eyes settling on Kristen.

"What seems to be the problem?" She asked in a soothing tone. Andy set Kristen down and held her up by wrapping his arm around her tiny waist.

"I'm pretty sure she has a concussion," Andy spoke a small shake in his voice. Kristen tugged on the ends of her hair worried about what was inevitable.

"And what would her name be?" The woman looked at Kristen with warm eyes. Everyone turned towards her including Jamie and Tony. She looked at Andy scared of saying her full name aloud.

"Kristen Vivian Fuentes," Taylor said out loud. Kristen looked at her and glared until she turned to look at Tony and Jaime. Tony was whispering to Jaime so nobody else could hear. They looked stunned and then they looked back at Kristen. She quickly turned back around clutching her forehead.

A nurse approached them with a wheelchair and sat Kristen down in it. Andy walked with her to the room and stayed in there the whole time they did tests.

"She has a minor concussion and shouldn't participate in any outdoor activities for one to two weeks. To the extent, nothing worse could happen but she has to stay a day or two depending on how bad the migraines get." The male doctor said flipping through papers and smiling before he walked out.

Soon Taylor, Tony, and Jaime walked in. Tony and Jaime looked almost mad and Taylor looked oblivious to everything as she sat next to Andy on the chairs.

"Which one?" Tony said with anger in his voice. Kristen cringed at the question and Andy just grabbed her hand tight.

I sighed really loud. "Vic."  Tears brimmed her eyes as she feared what would become of this.


"Why doesn't he know?" Tony said again with pure venom stabbing at Kristen. Jaime smacked Tony in the arm and walked over to her.

"I'm an uncle!" He shouted joyfully and wrapped Kristen in a tight hug.

"Um, no, please I don't want him to know! It could ruin everything! I don't want to be the cause of the band being ruined." Kristen said tears falling down her face freely. "Please..please my life is fine.." She begged.

"Too late," Tony said. Everyone looked at him in confusion. "Already called both of them down here." He muttered. Kristen looked to Andy and Taylor. Andy looked pissed and Taylor was so confused.

"What?" Kristen cut her off and just looked at Andy and Andy told her everything. Taylor looked at Kristen with pity in her eyes. There was a knock at the door and a familiar voice.

She pulled her knees to my chest and laid her head down on her knees so the blanket wouldn't fall too far. She felt the bed sink down next to her and saw Andy out of the corner of her eye hugging her tightly.

The door opened and Kristen cringed shoving her head further down into her knees.

"Um." Someone cleared their throat. Kristen hesitantly lifted her head up to see her dad and uncle.
All eyes were on Kristen now and Andy never let go. He held on tighter like she could possibly float away.

"Wow," Mike said staring. "She has your eyes bro." He said patting Vic's back.

"We should all leave," Jaime said motioning for everyone but Kristen and Vic to leave. She hugged Andy.

"Andy stays," Kristen said with a small sob leaving her lips from the tears that still continued falling.

"No." Andy started.

"It wasn't a question." She said looking into his eyes. He settled back down next to Kristen and wrapped his arm back around her securely.
Everyone else left and Vic just came over and sat on the end of the bed.

"So." He said awkward as ever. Why would his happen to me? Why was I born? Why did my mom have to die and leave me? Why did my dad have to leave...why did my mom and dad have to even meet..All of these though flowed through Kristen's mind and she almost  didn't remember to respond

"So." Was all she said back In the haze of thoughts flooding through her brain.

"I don't even know what to say." He said looking down at the floor. "Why didn't you ever contact me, or why didn't your mother tell me?" He asked, with every word you could hear the hurt in his voice. "Where the hell even is your mom?" he asks now sounding more angry than sad.

"Well, she's dead first of all, and second I didn't want to ruin your career and neither did she." She said a bit mad at how rude he was. 

"Well, it would have been nice to know a child that I created was alive!" He spat. Kristen cringed and moved closer to Andy.

"Calm down dude," Andy said defending her, obviously trying to show Vic she was upset. Vic looked at him straight in the eyes. He looked even more pissed but Andy never backed down when it came to confrontation. 

"And who are you?" Vic asked. Here comes the infamous protective dad act.

"Andy, I'm her boyfriend," Andy said back.

"Oh." Vic said now his dark eyes are filled with sadness. "how uh, how old are you?" Vic asked. Yep, protective dad bullshit.

"16." She simply said. Vic looked up at Kristen with confusion.

"Jackie, Jackie is dead." He said after a moment of brain racking. Tears brimmed his eyes and Kristen nodded slightly not knowing what to say.

"Well if she's...gone, then where do you live?" Vic asked turning to both of them more directly.

"My moms," Andy said. Vic scoffed and they both just looked in confusion. "What? Do you have a problem?" Andy asked sitting up more straight.

"No, nothing, just she's gonna need all her stuff packed soon so." My dad trailed off. Kristen knitted my eyebrows and anger was apparent in Andy's face. Why was he being such a prick? is this what having a dad is like? Kristen thought to herself, subconsciously rolling her eyes.

"Why? I'm not coming to live with you." She said. Vic looked back at her raising one eyebrow.

"Yes you are, I'm still your father." He said and Kristen just laughed.

"His mom and dad are both more of a parent to me than you." I scoffed wrapping my arm around Andy.

"They took care of me when I needed it, they were there, and don't even try that 'I didn't know about you' shit. If you didn't leave my mom you would have. But your band was more important than she was so you just fucking left!" Kristen shouted the ending. More tears rush down her face and Andy just brushed them away with his thumb. She never even knew she had these feelings towards Vic, but she was finding it hard to conceal the words that flew through her mind.

"I know." Was all Vic said until the room went silent for a couple minutes.
"Will you just give me another chance?" Vic asked, well more pleaded. She looked to Andy and back at Vic who had tears in his eyes.

"Fine." She said. He smiled and walked over to her. He pulled her into a hug which pulled Kristen away from Andy. They hugged for about a minute until the door opened.

"Yay! I am an uncle!" Jaime yelled.

"Me too!" Tony joined in.

"I'm the only real uncle though, which makes me the best," Mike smirked. They all came over to the bed and hugged her one by one.

"Yeah, yeah. I need a smoke." She said pushing everyone off of her and the bed. She looked at Andy and he sighed running his hand through his pocket until he pulled out a lighter and a cigarette pack.

"Are you serious?" Vic asked crossing his arms.

"You can bet your ass I'm serious." She said getting out of the bed with the help of Andy. She walked out of the room and made her way outside and lit up the cigarette.

Edited February 23rd  xx

(ps, why would the hospital let a 16 yr old go out to smoke? young frankie is naive and dumb. btw im here again to fix stuff)

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