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Kristen rang the door bell and sat at the front door for about 10 seconds before Caden's sister opened the door. A smiled engulfed her face, she was always excited to see the daughter of her favorite band member.

"Hey Krissy." Carrie let Kristen inside and they chatted for a bit about how Pierce the Veil was doing and other band stuff. Caden rushed in and hugged Kristen, almost knocking her over into the ground.

"Hey babe." Kristen managed to giggle as Caden kissed all over her face.

"Hey, come on, I rearranged my room and it looks nice." Caden pulled Kristen off to his room shitting the door behind him. She looked around and rolled her eyes as she noticed he didn't change anything and it was a scam to be alone.

"I love you." Caden smiled grabbing Kristen's hips and kissing her softly, she stood up on her tippy toes to wrap her arms around his shoulders.

"Alright." Caden said picking her up, he tossed her on his bed and ran off into the bathroom. He came back with two shirts, one displayed the logo for The Front Bottoms and the other read 'Suck my fuck' from the Stay Sick clothing line by Fronz.

"The Front Bottoms, we're going out to a nice place you dork." Kristen laughed moving around so she was comfortable on his bed. He quickly changed and they sat on his bed, Kristen's legs draped over his stomach.

"Hey come on, let's get going!" Caden's dad shouted through the door. They both quickly got up and raced eachother to the car like children. Carrie was busy and Connor was out of state so it was just the twins and us with Caden's dad and step mom.

They all walked in and the restaurant was so nice they had to make reservations before hand. They waited to be seated at a semi-large table closer to the back of the building.  

They all ordered drinks and chatted amongst eachother, Kristen just generally sat and listened to the chatter and laughed of everyone inside having a good time.

A loud voice got her attention and she saw a guy with his hands on his forehead, he seemed to be with his girlfriend because she sat across from him frustrated.meisteen tried her best to listen in since they were a couple tables away it wasn't the easiest to hear.

"Matt, I'm sorry." She said flinching as he hit his fist against the table and growled.

"No fuck you! Fuck you Casey!" The guy yelled and pulled out a gun on the girl that sat in front of him. In a matter of seconds a gun shot went off.



And again.

Kristen didn't even know how to move at this moment. She was paralyzed in fear as she just watched four people get shot. Screaming. There was so much screaming yet she couldn't hear a thing. The gun shots rang in her ears, over and over.

She finally moved her gaze from all the blood when Caden grabbed her and pulled her into his chest. She finally heard the crying, the sound of people running and people calling the police.

"Hey, it's okay." Caden whispered in Kristen's ears, he wiped her face and she realized she was crying. Kristen looked at the rest of Caden's family, the twins looked horrified, tears pouring down their cheeks. Caden's dad was holding onto them along with Becky.

"Are they dead?" Kristen choked out, not daring to look over at the scene. Caden just pulled her back into his chest, he ran his hands through Kristen's hair, afraid to tell her about the lifeless bodies.


"Kristen I'm so sorry.." Caden's dad said as he pulled the car up to her house. Kristen just pushed a smile on her face and opened the car door. Caden followed her out, calling a goodbye to his dad as he drove away.

Kristen pulled Caden into the house, running into Vic and Mike in the kitchen.

"What's wrong Hun, you look like you saw a ghost. Bad dinner?" Mike asked walking over with a beer in his hand. Caden smacked himself mentally over what Mike just said.

"Three people died tonight. One person is badly injured." She said in a monotone voice, still holding tightly onto Caden's hand.

"The place we were eating at, some guy freak out and started shooting people." Caden said softly, he squeezed her hand reassuring her it was all okay.

"Holy shit, why didn't you call!" Vic said quickly walking over and hugging Kristen tight. She started crying again as she hugged him, it hadn't hit her yet that she was okay and her family wouldn't have to live without her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't even think to, it was just a crazy night." Caden said, Vic nodded along with Mike, he walked around and put his arm around Caden's shoulder.

"This is the only time I'm allowing you to stay in her room, got it kid." Mike quietly said to Caden so Kristen wouldn't hear. Caden nodded and watched as Mike went to join in on the little group hug.


"Baby it's okay." Caden said in a soft voice as he held Kristen close in his arms. He pulled the blanket up more over them, hoping it would make her feel safer.

"Why aren't you crying. Why isn't this bad for you too." She said between gasps for air. Caden sighed and kissed her head softly. He leaned over to turn the table light off when he saw the half open drawer with a joint in it.

"Here." He said lighting the joint and starting up a puff-puff-pass. "It's time to go to bed, so let's finish this, and forget about everything for a couple hours." Kristen nodded and smiled, wrapping her free arm around him.


Sorry for all the jump cuts, I just didn't really know how I wanted to write this but I think I'm pretty satisfied I guess

Daddy Dearest (Vic Fuentes) On Hold Where stories live. Discover now