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A/n HELLLLOOOO MY DUDES IT HAS BEEN A WHILE. I'm not feeling my greatest but I've missed writing so, it me.

Song: 18, Anarbor because it's the 18th chapter and I fucking love this song


Kristen yawned as the morning light poured through the blinds, she stretched her legs out to recover from her all night fedal position. She groaned as she looked at the time on her alarm clock which read 12:30.

She grabbed her phone from her night stand while pulling It off the charger in the process. She only had one message notification along with millions of twitter mentions.

Caden <3: Hey babe, becky planned a dinner out tonight with my family, she invited you along with if you wanna come so 5:00 at mine.

She quickly replied and started to scroll through her social media, replying to the positives and blocking any negative people. She got up from her bed and reached into her nightstand drawer, pulling out a joint she had rolled last night after the fight with Vic.

She lit a candle and then lit the joint, holing it in between her small fingers. She was greatful her dad rarely came in her room and nobody bothered to lecture her on smoking.

"Kristen! please come down for breakfast." Vic shouted through the door. Kristen replied with a loud groan and she put out the joint on the top of her nightstand along with dropping it back in her drawer.

She slipped on an Iron Maiden top that belonged to Caden and didn't bother putting on a different pair of shorts. She grabbed her phone and made her way downstairs to the kitchen. There was a McDonalds bag on the counter so she grabbed a McMuffin out and a hashbrown, she sat down on a stool and started to open her breakfast.

"Good morning hun." Vic said as he sipped on a cup of coffee and he kissed her forhead hoping Kristen would be forgiving after last night.

"Good morning." She replied with hashbrown in her mouth. "Could you grab me the ketchup?" She asked looking at Vic and pointing to the fridge. He nodded and grabbed it for her, handing it over the counter.

"gooooodmorning, losers." Tony said as he walked into the kitchen, he hugged Kristen and started laughing lightly. Kristen and Vic gave him a funny look until her realized and just laughed again.

"You smell like a dirty hippie." Tony said grabbing his food out of thr bag and sitting down next to Kristen.

"Who was smoking weed without me?" Mike asked as he stood up off of the couch and joined everyone in the kitchen. Kristen laughed and raised her hand.

"where's Jaime?" Kristen asked as she set her hand down to continue eating.

"Left last night to talk to the manager then he stayed at Jess'." The rest of the morning went on without much chatter, by time it was 2 everyone but Tony and Kristen had left the house.

"What do you wanna do?" Tony asked jumping onto the couch next to Kristen. She shrugged and turned back to the tv where she was watching Liv and Maddie on Disney channel.

"Dooo you wanna have a Star Wars marathon?" Tony asked punching Kristen's shoulder lightly. Kristen laughed and nodded at the desperate tone in his voice.

"Sign me the heck up." Tony almost sprung off of the couch and put the first Star Wars in the blue ray player, after it was all set up they turned off the lights and closed the curtains to enjoy the movie marathon in peace.


"NO YOU DONT UNDERSTAND, IT'S THE MANDELA EFFECT. NEVER HAS IT BEEN 'no, I am your father' IT WAS ALWAYS 'Luke, I am your father'." Tony shouted as he took out the first Dvd to put in the second.

"TONY, I KNOW I NEVER DISAGREED WITH YOU JESUS CHRIST." Kristen shouted back while laughing at his anger.

"It's gross, whoever fucked up the parallel universe fucked up bad." Tony stated in disgust.

"I probably won't be able to actually start this..I have to get ready for diner with Caden and his family." Kristen said leaning on Tony's shoulder with a big smile.

"Wow, how gay of you, alright, can I help you pick out your clothes?" Tony asked wrapping his arm around Kristen's shoulders.

"Sorry, I don't trust you." Kristen ignored his pouting and ran upstairs to get ready.


Caden: It's almost time to leave, are you coming?

Kristen checked her phone and ran downstairs, her short dress flowed behind her as she approached Tony. He still was sitting on the couch and watching Star Wars, not surprisingly.

"Tooony, can you drive me to Caden's?" Kristen asked wrapping her arms around his shoulders from behind the couch. He paused the movie and pulled away from her grip. As he stood up crumbs of chips fell off of his lap and onto the carpet under him.

"Let me grab my car keys Hun." He said walking upstairs to his room, she waited once she heard his door close and soon open again.

"Okay, let's go, I have stuff to do later." He said slipping on his shoes and leaving he house. Kristen slipped on a pair of black TOMS and walked out behind him, shutting the door.

Kristen was excited to see Caden unknowing of what shitstorm she was in for later tonight.

A/N lol I'm realizing I should have named Andy 'Carter' bc Carter fits a cheater much better (throwing shade at my ex)

But Heyo guy how's it going? Is this story still tolerable or is the grammar so atrocious you would rather drink bleach?

Either way I plan on once it's finished to actually rewrite it and fix it, considering not much makes sense and it's just a huge mess.

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