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Haley's POV

  I wake up to my alarm going off. I turn it off quickly and get up I change and go to the washroom and brush my teeth and fix my hair I go down and get my bag and leave for Karens cafe.

  I get there Lucas is siting I walk in "hey" I say "hey hales" he says. "You ready" I ask he nods "bye mom" he says and we leave. "You still have the bracelet on" he says and laughs "ya" I say "I guess I just forgot to take it off" I add.

  We get to the school and walk out this time I make sure not to bump into anyone I go to my locker and get my books and start walking to class. Then I feel my arm being tugged and I get pulled into a room I ten punch the person. "Haley what the hell" I hear Nathan "oh shit sorry I didn't know it was you" I say "it's fine" he says "you still have the bracelet" he says with a smirk "shut up why did you pull me in here" I ask "um to ask you something" he starts. "Ya ok" I say. "Um...would you maybe want to like go on a date with me" he asks I Freeze what the hell. We stay silent for a minute or two. "Um ya" I blurt he looks happy but confused I said ya "ok how's today at 7" he ask I nod "sorry for hitting you" I say "it's fine it happens a lot" he says "what" I ask "like if I punch Lucas before and he punched me back" he says I nod and the bell go "gotta go" I say and go. I can't believe what just happened I'm excited but kind freaked out. I go into my math class what should I wear.

  It's lunch "hey Haley we're gonna watch a movie tonight you wanna come" Lucas asks "no I'm fine thanks" I say and remember that me and Nathan are going out. "You sure" he asks "ya" I say. "Ok you still have that bracelet on" Brooke says "ya" I say. "Ok that's weird" she says I roll my eyes.

  It's the end of the day and we have practice since the games tomorrow. I walk in and Nathan's shirtless like all the time. I go up to Brooke. "Mandy moved and we need anew girl right away" Brooke says then a girl walks in she's talk red hair and skinny. "Hi I'm Rachel Gattina I heard that you needed someone else for the team" she says "um no we're good" Brooke says she thinks she's a birch she has a bitch face "what" she asks with sass "I said we're good" Brooke says louder "let me show you what you're missing" she says and puts her cd in and starts dancing like a slut. After she stops "no" Brooke says "why the hell bitch I will make your team better" she says "ha bitch you wish" Brooke says getting closer to her. "No you wish I was on this team" Rachel says "you might as well work at a strip club slut" Brooke says there up in each others faces. Then Rachel bitch slaps her. Then Brooke goes crazy they get into a fight I look at Nathan am Lucas to stop them Lucas stands there "hello a girl can't stop a fight it will be a bigger fight" I say to them Lucas doesn't do anything so I look at Nathan he gets the clue and brakes them apart. "Brooke come here" I say she walks to me. "Call me by tomorrow" Rachel says and walks out. "Now get your asses back to practice" whitey yells and the guys go back to practice and so do we

  It's been an hour "tutor girl I went with Luca and we're going somewhere now" she says "ok I will walk" I say "thanks" she says and I go and start walking. Then I bump into someone. "Really" I hear Nathan says I get up. "You can look and see if I'm coming" I say he laughs "what" I ask "nothing where's Lucas" he ask "I'm walking him and Brooke are going out" I say "well I'm going to your house now I can just drive you" he says. Isn't this weird we're going out tonight. I no and we start walking to his car. We get in and go. The car rides silent but it's not as awkward as I thought it would be. We get there and go out. We walk in "I'm just gonna change" I say he nods I go up stairs and change into some jeans and a t shirt. I walk back down "ok we will work in the kitchen" I say he follows me we get into the seat by the counter. I take out the English and teach him about Shakespeare.

  It's been about an hour and he left. I check the time 5:40. I should start getting ready I put on my flows dress that's not too fancy and I put light makeup I keep my hair down in waves. Then by the time I'm done it's almost time to go I go downstairs and I'm actually kinda excited to go. I won't lie I did have a little crush on him. I sit on the couch watching tv and there's a knock I get up and get it but it's Brooke. "Tutor girl why are you dressed up and I didn't get to help you" she asks "huh oh I'm going out" I say "with" she asks and walks in. "With a friend" I say "who" she asks "someone" I say "Haley Bob James" she says "it's just someone" I say and there's a knock at the door she smiles. I open it not too wide. "You ready" he asks "one second" I say and close the door "shut up" I say "Nathan" she says quietly. "Don't tell Lucas" I say "oh my god yes" she squeals. "I gotta go" I say she nods I open the door "you look great" he says he's wearing a button down shirt and jeans. "Thanks" I say I go out and close the door we walk to his car.

  We get to the place our seats are beside the water. We talk and got along well and it was great and now he's dropping me off at home. We get there and he walks me out to the door. "I had a great time" he says "ya me too" I say this just got awkward then his lips crash onto mine. I kiss back it feels right and good. Then we pull away. "Haley I've liked you for a while now" he starts where is this going. "Do you want to be my girlfriend" he asks "...ya" I answer he smiles. "Ok well I should go in now cause um-" I get cut off by sprinklers. "Ya that" I say he laughs "bye hales" he says "bye" I say and go inside quickly I see Brooke watching tv with popcorn. "You're still here" I ask she looks up. "Tell me everything" she says and turns the tv off and I tell her the whole story.

  "Tutor girl yay" she says "Lucas" I say "what about him" she ask "um he can't find out" I say "he won't" she says "please don't tell him" I say "I won't" she says "can I stay over I'm too tired to drive" he says I nod "let's go up stairs we can watch something" I say we go upstairs I give her pajamas and we watch movies.

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