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Haley's POV

Me and Nathan are driving back behind the bus. "So Haley" he says "what" I ask "when" he asks. "When what" I ask "when do we do this" he asks "do what.... Oh I don't know" I say referring to getting married. "Tonight" he asks "um I don't care" I say "really so we're gonna be back in tree hill at 9 will that give you enough time cause you're a girl it takes girls long time" he says "shut up I will have enough time" I say "fine" he says.

We get back he drops me of at my house I change and then i do all my things for the wedding it's gonna be small only us nobody else knows.

I finished everything Brooke's over helping me do my makeup and everything. "Ugh you guys are do cute" she says "so are you moving in with him" she adds "ya" I say. "Oh yay you guys are so cute" she says she finishes the last touches. "Ok you're good" she says I look "thanks Brooke" I say "no problem now go get married" she says.

Me and Nathan are doing it at a beach only is and a priest. We say our vows and then "Nathan you may now kiss your bride" he says and Nathan kisses me. We finish and he takes is to his apartment. He carries me bridal style into the house it has candles and says honey moon sweet on the door. He puts me downs I grab his hand and walk toward the room. "Hales I didn't get married to you just for this" he says "ya I know but we're married now so" I say and close the door behind us with my foot he kisses me and lays me on the bed.

It's the next morning my eyes flutter open I'm in Nathan's arms wearing just his shirt. I look up and see him looking down at me. "What" I ask "nothing you're just so beautiful" he says I blush and look down. I can't believe we're married. I'm really close to him our bodies touching one of his hands on my thigh the other under my waist. He traces patterns on my thigh. "I love you hales" he says "I love you too Nate" I say he kisses my forehead. I look up into his piercing blue eyes. He kisses me a passionate kiss each kiss with him still makes me feel so good. We brake apart. "I cant believe we're married" I say. "Me too" he replies "I gotta move my things in" I say he nods. It's gonna be different not so different my parents aren't really home so. We stay there. "Me gonna go fake a shower" I say getting up he nods I go into his washroom in his apartment. I turn the water in and go into the hot water.

I go out and change. I walk out Nathan isn't there I go out he's making food "you can cook" I ask "only eggs" he says I laugh and sit down. He gives me eggs and we eat.

After my phone buzzes it's from Brooke.

Brooke: hey need to talk about you and Nathan

Me: ok I'll come over

Brooke: ok good

"I gotta go I'll see you later" I say and kiss him and leave.

I get to Brooke's house and walk in "Brooke" I call out "tutor wife in the kitchen" she says I laugh at the new nickname. I go in she's sitting I sit down and tell her about last night. "Oh yay do you have your things at his apartment" he asks "not yet" I say. "Ugh you guys are adorable" she squeaks. "Calm down so how's you and Lucas" I ask "good I try to talk to him about you but he just ignores it" she says I nod. "Well I should go I have to start packing my things up" I say and she nods. I leave.

  I get to my house I'm gonna miss this place I loved here all my life the phone rings. "Hello" I answer "Haley" my moms voice rings through the phone. "Ya" I ask "he asked you right" she asks "ya we got married" I say happily. "Ok good so are you moving out cause if you are we were thinking of selling it cause we aren't ever home" she says selling the house. "Oh well I am moving with him" I say "ok me and your dad are gonna come back and pack the things up only for 4 days" she says "ya ok" I say i look around "bye honey" she says "bye" I reply and hang you look around this place I've lived here my whole life a tear falls from my eye I go up stairs and into my room I take our something's to put my things in and start.

  I finished an hour ago I'm sitting in the kitchen slumping down eating    Mac n cheese. "Hales" I hear Nathan call out "kitchen" I say in a gloomy tone. "We just got married and you already don't like it" he jokes he kisses my forehead "what's wrong" he asks "my parents are selling the house" I say "so" he says "so I've lived here my whole life" I say. "I know but if there's nobody to take care of the house then they'll have to sell it" he says. "I know that it's just that I love this house so much" I say tears filling my eyes. "Babe it will be fine" he says "was getting married a bad idea we're too young Nate" I say "no hales it wasn't a bad idea" he says wiping the tears. "Really how do you know" I ask "because I know ok hales always and forever" he says. I sigh deeply "my things are packed" I say my head leaning on Nathan his arm around me. "I love you Haley James" he says "Scott" I add he chuckles "I love you to Nathan Scott" I say he kisses me. "Let's go get my stuff" I say and we go up stairs.

  We got it all and it's in the apartment I'm not unpacked yet but that's fine. I sit on the couch Nathan brings in the last on and sits next to me. "Well that's all done" I say "ya" he replies. I kiss him randomly he seemed surprised but he kisses back. It soon turns into a make out session he pulls me up onto his lap. We stay there making out he gently kisses down my neck and back up to my lips. Then there's a knock at the door "we can just ignore it" he mumbles into our kiss his grip tighter. "Nathan come on" I say he groans "no" he says they knock again I look at him he legs go I get up and get it and it's dan Nathan's dad. "Who are you" he ask "Haley" I say "is my son here" he asks "Nathan" I say Nathan gets up and when he sees dan his jaw clenches. "What do you want" Nathan asks "I wanted to see my son and who's this Haley girl another one of those whores you bring" he asks "not even close she's my wife" Nathan says "you got married without my permission" he almost yells "ya cause I don't need your permission I love on my own now" he says "when are you coming back to me and your mother" he says "never" he replies. "So you're just gonna stay with this bitch" he say referring to me Nathan punches him. "She's not a bitch or a whore she's my wife I don't care what you think dan I don't need you anymore so stay our of my life" he says and closes the door. "Sorry about that" he says his hand caressing my cheek "it's fine" I say "it's not he's a dick" he says "i said it's fine" I say he kisses me. Then he pushing me against a wall. I jump and wrap my legs around his waist one of his hands holding me up by my leg the other is around my waist he brings us to the room and lays me down and takes his shirt off mad kisses me again.

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