Riled up

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Haley's POV

  I wake up next to Nathan on the couch I look at the time 7:30. "Nathan get up c'mon" I say pushing him "yeah ok I'm up" he says I get up an go and do my stud he does too and we leave.

  We get to school and go to our lockers "tutor wife were missing practice" Brooke says "ok" I say. I get my books an the bell rings and we all go our separate ways to class.

  It's lunch and we sit. "So I started the dress" Brooke says "it's gonna be soooo pretty" she says I laugh. "When is the wedding anyways?" She asks I look at Nathan "we don't know yet" I say she looks surprised. "You have to know" she says. "No we said we'll start planning things soon so then" I say she nods. "Um it's not gonna be to far away?" She asks "no" we both say. "Ok well have you told the parent yet?" She asks with a smile I look at Nathan worried "no not yet" I say. "C'mon guys get it together" she says "we know ok we don't want that big of a wedding" I say. "Ok but just saying I already planned my wedding" Brooke says "that's because you love weddings" I say "can I help you plan it" she asks "sure" we say "great ugh I just can't wait" she says. I chuckles at her response and how she's so happy. The bell rings and we all leave.

It's the end of the day "bye Nathan love you" I say he kisses me "love you too" he say and Brooke and I leave for her appointment for the pregnancy. We get into her car she sighs "I'm scared" she says "it'll be fine brooke" I say she nods and she drives off.

  We get to the doctors and we sit in the waiting room. "Davis, Brooke Davis" a nurse calls out we get up and walk with her to the room we sit. "So we're gonna take a test and the doctor will come in soon and show you the results" he say Brooke nods she sits on the be thing. The nurse leaves. "Oh god in so impatient right now" she say "it's fine ok let just be calm" I say she nods.

  20 minutes later the doctor comes in ugh that was a long time. "Hello Brooke I'm doctor Sanders" she says Brooke smiles kindly "hi" Brooke says. "Ok so you're wondering if you are pregnant well let's see..." She trails off looking at her clip board. "Well Brooke you are....not seems that your tests were false positive" the doctor says she sighs in relief "so you're free to go" she says "thanks" Brooke says and gets up. We walk out "oh my god thank god" she says as we walk to we car. "Yeah that's good" I say "but either way you'd be a great mom" i say. "Ugh but still I'm so young" she says we get into the car and leave.

  She drops me off at my apartment I get in and Nathan's still at practice it's been an hour only I sit on the couch. There's a knock at the door I get up and get it it's a guy with brown hair and brown eyes and he's tall "does Aaron live here" he asks "um no I think you got the wrong door" I say "actually I'm lucky vein at this door when such a hot girl answering the door" he says "thanks...but I'm married" I say putting my hand out. "You look so young" he says. "Yeah I'm 16" I say he looks taken back from that. "Jeez do you have a kid?" He asks. "No just married" I say he chuckles in surprise "I'm Chris Keller" he says putting his hand out "Haley James Scott" I say shaking it. "It was now meeting you haley" he says "you too Chris" I say "do you know where Aaron Conner lives" he asks "no sorry" i say he shrugs "it's fine bye" he says "bye" I reply and he leaves I close the door. I sit and watch tv.

Another hour the door opens "hey hales" Nathan say I look up "hey" I reply "is she pregnant?" He asks "no it was false positive" I say he sits next to me "wow that was close" he says I nod I lean on him he strokes my hair. I look up to him he kisses me. I sit up more he pulls me up on his lap out lips never parting. He kisses down my neck "n-n-n-n- no Nathan stop" I say he groans. "Why" he mumbles. "Because no" I say pushing him off. "Right I know no sex but I can still kiss you" he says "yes but the neck kissing is a sign of sex" I say "no it's not it's just a make out session" he says "yeah with you there's no such thing as a make out session more just sex" I say "that's not true" he says "it is" I say he chuckles "it's just kissing" he says an kisses me. I pull away "a guy came over to day he got the wrong house and his name was Chris Keller he was nice though" I bring up because I felt weird not saying anything. "Oh I saw him looking for Aaron right?" He asks "yes" I say "yeah he was nice" he says "why did you bring that up now" he asks "I just did it just felt weird not telling you what happened" I say "why?" He asks "because I don't know I just did" I say he nods "ok well where were we" he says and kisses me. There's a knock at the door I get up Nathan follows behind me I open it's that Chris guy "oh sorry I didn't know this was the same house" he says he looks up at Nathan in wow because he's so tall. "Husband?" He asks I nod "shit how tall are you" he asks Nathan chuckles "wait you're the guy I asked if you knew Aaron" he says Nathan nods "well sorry to bother you guys again" he says and smiles he looks at me. "Well bye" he says and leaves I close the door "he's a little weird" he says "I feel like you two just had eye sex" he says "is someone jealous" I ask "no but the way he looked at you an you can't look at anyone anyway" he say "calm down nothing happened" I say "well I saw had eye sex" he says "we didn't ok so stop Nathan you're jealous" I say "I'm...not" he hesitates "just admit it" I say he groans "....uh...ok...maybe a....little" he says I smile widely "yes Nathan Scott is jealous haha" I say. "Ok shut up" he says pushing me up against a wall "why every time I'm jealous you gloat" I say "hales stop because after what I saw it got me jealous and now that I can't do anything to you it just gets me...riled up" he whispers which sends electricity down my spine I take a shaky breath in. "Ok well you should go take a shower" I say he chuckles "would you like I join" he asks "n, n, ,no" I say he groans "fine" he says and leaves I lay on the couch and sigh.

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