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Haley's POV

  Me and Nathan get out of the at and into the school. "So you excited for tonight" I ask "ya" he says smiling "do you think you'll win" I ask "it depends on something" he says "what" I ask "you'll have to wait you gonna drive with me" he asks "I thought you have to go on the bus" I say "no I'll tell whitey I can put all your cheerleading things in my car" he says I laugh. "Ok" I say he pecks me and we go to our classes.

  It's lunch "so tutor w-girl" she says "why did you add a w to that" I ask "no reason so anyways um you sitting beside me or Nathan on the bus" she ask. "Actually we're going with his car" I say he's doing extra practice at lunch cause the games tonight. "Oh" she says with a smile "why are you smiling" I ask "I don't know I'm just happy" she says I laugh and eat my lunch.

  It's the end of the day Nathan is dropping me off at home cause we have to be there by 5 I have to get my uniform. I go in my mom and dad left this morning. I go upstairs and get my things quickly and Nathan said he'd be back he had to go get something. I it's gonna be a 2 hour drive that's why we are leaving all today cause it will take long to get there. Then there's a knock I get it it's Nathan and we go we get to the school. "Nathan come on" whitey says "no um since there isn't room for the cheerleading bags I can take them in my car" he says "ok but you better be behind us the whole time" he says Nathan nods we get in and follow the bus.

  We get there and go in. "So curfew is 10 and no boys and girls together in one room lights off at 10 and I mean it" whitey tells everyone I have a room with Brooke. "Yay we're together" Brooke says "ya" I say. "Let's go down to the pool" she says I nod "I don't have a bathing suit" I say "I have an extra" she says and hands it to me we change and go down to the indoor pool we jump in. "It's nice" I say "I know" she says. Then someone walks in it's Tim "hey ladies" he says he's Nathan's best friend since kindergarten. "Tim" me and Brooke both says "you want a peace of Tim" he asks "no" we say "oh come on" he says then Nathan walks in "hey dawg" Tim says to Nathan he shakes his head "Tim remember you're white" Nathan says I look at Brooke she looks at me we both look disgusted by Tim. I laugh at her "what" she asks "nothing" I say then someone jumps in I look and see Tim ugh oh no. "Get away Tim" Brooke squeals and swims away I laugh "shut up tutor girl" she whines "calm down" I say "no" she says some other people walk in they all jump in including Nathan he's wearing his grey sweater shirt he pulls me closer to him and kiss me. We pull away then on other person walks in and it's Lucas he walks out quickly. I look at Brooke she gives me an I don't know look then an I'll go talk to him look too I nod. I look back at Nathan he looks down at me. I then kiss him and everyone's here from basketball team and cheer team. We pull away "I love you hales" he says "I love you too" I say and peck him he lifts me and twirls me around.

  It's night time it's 8:40 an hour till e have to go to bed. I'm with Nathan. "Hales can I ask you something" he asks "ya" I say "well I asked your parents they were totally fine with it um but-" before he finishes "Haley" someone says I turn and see Beven she's in the cheer team "ya" I ask "well we are going to the spa do you want to come" she asks "I'm fine" I say "ok" she says and goes "you can go" he says "nah I don't really want to go" I say. "So anyways I was wondering if-" he starts and pulls something out of his pocket "um well will you marry me" he says he opens the case there's a ring. My jaw drops what. "Nathan. We're in high school" i say "ya I know but Haley I love you a lot it might be soon but I do love you a lot" he says "I love you too but this isn't normal" I say. "So I'm not normal and what I feel is definitely not normal and I could love you forever so why can't forever start now" he says I don't say anything. "Nathan I could too but-" I say but he interrupts me. "Haley like I said and I'll say it again I could love you forever so why can't it start now" he says I don't say. I do love him a lot. "-y-yes" I say he smiles and puts the ring on me and kisses me. "But what I mean I like now not today but like when we get back" he says I nod. "So this means you're moving in right" he asks "ya" I say he kisses me.

  It's night time and we all have to go to our rooms I kiss Nathan and go to mine and Brooke's room. "Hey tutor girl" she Susa with a smile. "Hey" I say smiling "oh wait or should I say hey tutor wife" she says how did she know I haven't shown my hand. "How did you know" I ask "he asked me to take you shopping to ask your parents" she says that was so sweet. I change "I ant wait" I squeal "I can't wait for you two Naley finally getting married" she say "Naley" I ask confused. "Ya Nathan and Haley" she say I laugh. An get I to the bed and my phone buzzes it's from Nathan.

Nathan: love you night :)

Me: love you two night

  I love him so much I fall asleep with a smile on my face.

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