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Haleys POV

I wake up Nathan's arm sprawled on me I turn the alarm off. "Wake up babe" I say he groans "no" he says pulling me closer I laugh. "Come on it's just the second day back" I say. "Id rather stay here" he says "suit yourself" I say starting to get up he pulls me back down "I meant with you" he says his voice is groggily. "Ya but no" I say his eyes are still closed "ugh fine hales" he says his eyes open. I get up and go to the washroom and brush my teeth and change Nathan comes in and takes a shower and changes we go out. And get our bags and leave.

We get there and go to our lockers. "Tutor wife no practice I need to go shopping" she says I nod and get my by books time walks up to Nathan and talks to him. "I'm having a party this weekend" she says "ok" I say "you and boy toy are coming right" she asks "ya" I say "good" she's says Nathan comes up to us. "See you at lunch" he says and kisses me and we go. "You guys are so cute together" she says I laugh "thanks" I say and we go to class.

It's lunch I go to my locker to put things away "let's skip" I hear Nathan I turn to face him "ha ya sure" I say sarcastically. "Come on hales" he says "Nathan" I say "so you can get married at 16 and not skip school" he says "hey you're lucky I married you" I say "ya you're right but come on" he says. "And where would we go anyways" I ask "somewhere" he replies. "I've never skipped I shouldn't" I say "you're way to good like I said a thousand times before hales live a a little" he says "I do so stop saying it" I say "come on it's one class" he says I look around ask back to my locker. "....fine" I give in. "Ok then let's go" he says I can hear his smirk I close my locker and we go.

We get into his car and go somewhere. "Where are we going" I ask. "It's a surprise" he says. "Ugh I hate surprises Nathan" I whine. "Ugh too bad" he mimicked my voice I hit his arm "jerk" I say "you still love me" he says "no right now" I say. We park at a private beach. "This is where we're going" I ask "ya it's almost summer we can swim" he says "we don't have bathing suits" I say "2 options bra and underwear or naked" he shrugs I hit his arm he laughs. "What we're married it doesn't matter if we're naked" he says I hit him. "Shut up" I say he laughs again. "So" he says "...fine" I say he smirks and we get out and go on the beach. We strip. "So naked isn't a option" he asks "stop" I say sternly "you're so boring" he says "shut up" I say we get into the water. "Do you still hate me" he asks "kinda" I say he gets closer his body glistening "so you'd hate me if I kissed you" he asks "ya" I say he kisses me i try I not kiss back he pulls away "you still hate me so that didn't make you feel anything" he asks I take a shaky breath in. "No" I say as I shake my head. "I'm surprised any girl would die to be in the water with a hot guy his hot body in view and he wants to kiss you there's something wrong with you" he says cockily. "No there's nothing wrong with me you can just be annoying so if any girl was in here and you were annoying they wouldn't die for you" I say. He puts his hand on his heart and gasps "wow babe that hurt now I'm mad at you" he jokes. "But I won't say I hate you cause it's not true" he says I stop from smiling. "Whatever" I say. "Wow I just have to say a couple things first you can be sassy second I will always love you third I don't care if you won't kiss me back bi you're looking really hot in the water in you bra and underwear and I bed to kiss you" he says arms crossed I don't say anything then his lips crash onto mine and it feels so good I give in and kiss him back he smirks into the kiss and pulls me closer by my waist I wrap my hands around his necked get really close there's no space between us our bodies touching. I jump and wrap my legs around him never braking the kiss he holds my thigh and back to hold me up. He kisses down my neck and back up to my lips. Then we hear footsteps we pull away I look at him and I get down from him and then some girl shows up she looks up and it's Rachel. What the hell why is she here. "Nathan Haley why are you guys here" she asks I roll my eyes and leans on Nathan's chest. "Why are you here" Nathan asks "I didn't want to go to my next class it's boring" she says. I hate her she's always trying to go up on Nathan. "So why are you guys here" she asks "because we are" I say she gives me a glare. "Ok" she says and lays on her towel. I look at Nathan he looks at me. I give him the 'what do we do' look he gives me the 'I don't know' look.  I give him the 'Should we just leave' look we nods and we get out and change back and go. We get I the car. "She's so annoying" I say he nods then starts the car and we go. "I don't want to go back to school" he says "don't you have practice" I ask "ya but it doesn't matter" he says I laugh eyes go get some frozen yogurt" he says I nod.

  We get there and eat put frozen yogurt.

  After that we get back to the apartment. "Summers in 1 month" he says I nod. "What are we doing" he asks sitting down and bringing me onto his lap. "I don't know what should we do" I ask "well we can just stay in the whole summer in the house in the room" he says I laugh "no" I say. "Why not" he asks "because no" i say he chuckles and kisses me. I kiss back immediately. Then the phone rings. He groans I laugh. "Just don't pick it up" he says flipping us so I'm under him. "Nathan" I say between kisses he keeps kissing me. "Nathan" I say pulling away "no" he says and kisses again the phone stops I laugh a little in the kiss. His cold hands touch my bare skin on my lower back. Then again the phone rings. "Ok it could be important" I say "like what" he asks looking at me. "I don't know something" I say he sighs I get the phone. "Hello" I answer. "Tutor wife where did you go" Brooke asks. "Me and Nathan skipped don't tell Lucas" I say "oh I won't but why" she asks "we wanted to" I say. "Ok well we were supposed to go shopping" she says shit "oh my god sorry" I say "it's ok we can go tomorrow after practice" she says "on thanks bye" I say and hang up. "Brooke" he asks he's holding himself up above me. "Ya" I reply "you were on me the whole time" I ask "ya" he say with a chuckles. He leans down and kisses me. I wrap my hands around his neck his on my hips. He kisses down my neck slowly going back up to my lips. His hands go higher lifting my shirt up we brake apart for a second he pulls my hurt off and his an kisses me again.

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