The Cabin

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Haley's POV

"Wake up tutor girl" I hear Brooke I check the time 7:30. "We leave at 8" I say. "Ya just get up me an Lucas are here" she says. I get up "ok" I say. "Me and like are taking his car" she says "how many bags are you taking" I ask "2 suitcases" he says "we're staying two weeks Brooke" i say. "I know" she says I go to the washroom and brush my teeth and change. I go out I already packed a duffle bag everyone's talking. "Morning" I say "morning" they reply. "We'll leave soon" Nathan says "I put the bags in the car" he says to me I nod.

We leave me and Nathan are going together of course. I get into the car so does he and he starts the car and drives.

It's been an hour my phone rings "hello" I answer "hey tutor wife I have to pee we need to stop" Brooke says "ok" I say and hang up "we need to stop at a gas again Brooke needs to pee" I say. "Ok" he replies and pulls into a gas station. "I'm gonna pee too" I say he nods I go out and pee too. I come out and see Nathan buying something. I go up to him. He pays and we go.

It's been another hour we're almost there Nathan says. "I'm getting car sick" I say "we are almost there for the millionth time hales" he says.

We pull up to a cabin "is this yours" I ask "ya my dad's" he says "what if he comes here" I ask "he hasn't for two years" he says. We get out and go in it's big "there's five rooms" he says "there's four of us each in couples so we only need two rooms" Brooke says. "Nice job with the math Brooke" I say "hey don't be tutor bitch" she says I laugh "goo one" I say. "Ok well me and Haley get biggest room" Nathan says "we're married" he adds "fine" Brooke says. Me and Nathan go into the room it's big there's a washroom I put my bag down. "This place is big" I say "ya I know" he says. "Why there's only three of you" I say "I know but dan is dan and has to get the best of everything" he says. I sit on the bed our rooms upstairs all the rooms are. He sits next to me "boy toy are these rooms sound proof" Brooke asks "Brooke really" I say laughing. "What just asking" she says "so" she asks. "Yes they are" he says "actually" she says "ya" he says "nice" she says and walks away. "Are you kidding" I ask "no" he says. "Well good" I say and kiss him. He chuckles against our lips. We pull away. "Wow Haley I've never seen you like this" he says "like what" I ask "like all crazy for me" he says "I am not" I say "ya right hales who isn't" he says "you're way to cocky" I say "whatever you're crazy for me" he says "no I'm not" I say "ok sure whatever" he says. "I'm not" I say getting up. "Where you going" he asks. "Downstairs" I say. "Why" he asks "cause" I say "Haley no get back here you might not be crazy for me but I'm crazy for you" he says I laugh I win. "Really ok then you're crazy for me what can I do to help you" I joke. "Get over here then I'll show you" he says with a smirk. "Nathan really" I say "ya but close the door first" he says I laugh and close the door and walk over to him. He kisses me pulling me onto the bed so I'm under him.

I go downstairs to find Brooke and Lucas sitting watching tv. "Hey tutor wife where we're you" she asks with a smirk. "Upstairs" I say "ah doing" she says "nothing" I lie. Nathan walks down putting on a shirt she laughs. "Ya nothing" she says. "Ya nothing" I say "I can see that Haley" she says "you called me Haley" I say "oh I did" she says. "But still" she says I roll my eyes and sit down. "What are we watching" I ask "I was just about to put the notebook on" Brooke says. "No" the guys say. "Yes" Brooke and I say. "Why is it always what girls want" Lucas says "we're um we're the girls they just get to pick" Brooke says and puts it on. Nathan sits beside me I lean my head on him.

By the end of the movie Brooke and I are crying. "Really it's just a movie" Lucas says "you don't get it you're a guy" I say "I get it but no it's a movie unless it was real it's not sad" he says. "Broody shut up" Brooke says Nathan just sits there he's been through this before. "Well ok um how does barbecue sound" Nathan says. "Not a good time" I say looking up at him "sorry" he says laughing.

It's 5 Nathan and Lucas are making a barbecue "so is the rumor true" Brooke says "what rumor" I ask "you know Nathan mr size 14" she says a little quieter "Brooke" I say "what is he size 14" she asks "Brooke" I say "what Lucas is size 11" she says "I don't know his shoe size" I say "but you know..." She says "Brooke" I say "what" she says. "Does it look like he has size 14 feet" she says "I'm not talking to you" I say she laughs. "Tutor wife come on" she says. "No" I say "at least find out the size" she says "how asking him he's gonna be like that's weird" I say. "No take his shoe and see" she says I laugh. "No" I say "come on" I say. "Brooke I'm not checking the size-" I can't finish cause someone says something. "The barbecues finished" Nathan says we nod an go and eat.

We finish eating. "Brooke stop it's not happening" I say "what's not happening" Nathan says "nothing nothing's not happening" I say quickly. "Well it's getting late in going to bed" I say "tutor wife find out" she says as I walk away I go up stairs and change into pajamas and go I the washroom and lay in bed Nathan walks in. He strips and comes into the bed. "What were you guys talking about" he asks I turn to face him. "Nothing" I lie "well first you said in not checking the size second it's not happening" he says oh he heard that. "It was nothing" I say not wanting him to know. "You're a horrible liar" he says "I'm not lying" I lie. "Ok whatever I'm letting this one go" he says. "Because it's true my foot size is 14" he says and turns hat he heard that all. I blush cause that was so embarrassing. I just want to sleep.

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