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Haley's POV

It's the next morning my alarm goes off I get up Nathan's not in the room I don't say anything to him I didn't tell him why I was mad or ran out. I go to the washroom and brush my teeth and change I go out theres a note.

Haley I went early to
the river court I'll see you
at school.

I get my bag and leave what's with him maybe it hurt him.

I get to the school and se Brooke "hey" I say "hey where's boy toy" she asks "we got into a little argument I need to talk to him" I say "oh about" she asks "the girls he slept with" I say "oh Luke apologized" I say she smiles "I know" she says. "Gotta go" I say and leave I'm looking for Nathan. I then see him "can we talk" I ask he nods and gets his books and we go to the tutor center. "Um well I'm sorry about yesterday I freaked for no reason I guess I was just a little jealous because I've never been with anyone but you" I say "it's fine hales you don't have to be jealous cause you're the only girl I love and will love and those girls don't matter you would never have to compare to them because no one can compare to you cause you're better then them" he says. "But sometimes I just feel like I'm not that girl that gives you everything you want" I say "Haley id one want a girl that gives me everything and actually you do I don't need anything else my life's great" he says. A tear falls down he wipes it with his thumb. "Don't cry Hals you're everything I need and want" he says an kisses my forehead. "I love you hales" he says "I love you too" I say he kisses me. "Let's go we need to get to class" he says.

  It's lunch me Nathan Brooke and Lucas are sitting together. Nathan and Lucas are actually not fighting.

  It's the end of the day Nathan has practice so do I with cheer. We stretch and start Nathan takes his shirt off and Rachel joined the squad we needed someone she always looks at Nathan.

  We finish Nathan went to go take a shower. Everyone else left. I wait then I open the door to tell him to hurry "Nathan-" I start but I see Rachel in there tears sting my eyes what. "No haley" he says grabbing a towel I just run keep running I can't believe it he runs after me. I keep running tears falling "please Haley" he says.

Nathan's POV

"Haley please" I say she finally stops panting her eyes red. "I went then she came in I told her to get away and she kept coming closer I right away went to go out but you came in that's all that happened" I explain she's just frozen there. "Remember earlier Haley you're the person I love please believe me" I say she just stands there. "Please Haley I swear I didn't do anything" I say I didn't she just came in. "I need time" she says I grip my towel tighter. "Time for what" I ask "time to processes this she was practically on top of you Nathan" she says "but I was pushing her off" I say. "Just give me time" she says. "Fine" I say with a sigh I ant believe this. She starts walking towards Brooke's house I go back and change. I get in the car I didn't do anything. "Ugh why does something always have to happen" I mumble to myself my phone buzzes it's a text from Brooke.

Brooke: what the hell did you do

Me: Rachel came into the shower and she walked in I tried to get her away and leave.

Brooke: Haley's here crying

  I hate making her cry.

Me: I told her but he said she needed time

Brooke: did you do anything

Me: no of course not

Brooke: I believe you but I don't honk she does.

  Those words I don't think she does. I start the car and go to the apartment. I walk in and sit on the couch. I love Haley so much.

Haley's POV

  "I have to get clothes from the house" I say I was just crying and telling Brooke. What if he was lying I don't know what to believe "I can go" she says "it's fin I'll be back" I say she's letting me stay with her. With that I leave.

  I walk in Nathan's watching tv he looks up he looks sad. "I have to get something's" I say he nods "do you not believe me" he blurts out. I stop walking "I don't know what I believe" I say "what the hell is marriage if you don't trust me or believe me Haley" he says "Nathan I do trust you but I just need time" I say "ya ok everyone always need a time there's always something you have to find out of me that's bad I didn't do anything fine you don't have to believe me but Haley I want you to know I didn't do anything and I love you so much it hurts when you're mad at me but fine don't believe me" he say. I go to the room without saying anything. I get a bag and pack something's and go. "I'm sorry but I need time I'm gonna stay with Brooke" I say "surprised you told me that" he says and I leave I don't know what to do any more.

  I get back to Brooke's "hey how was it" she asks "he said he was hurt that I'm mad at him Brooke he's hurt but I don't know if i believe him" I say "it's fine Haley" she says.

Nathan's POV

  There's a knock I open it it's Lucas "what happened" he asks walking in "well Rachel walked into the shower I try to get out but Haley walked in and doesn't believe me she probably hates me and I can't stand being without her" I say we sit. "It's fine just give her time" he says "I'm don't with people saying she needs time we're married she should trust me I would believe and trust her" I say "I know but Nate she's a girl" he says "I can't do this she was just mad at me and forgave me today then got mad at me again" I say. "It will be fine she'll come back to you" he says "I hope" I say. "Let's go to the river court" he says I nod and we leave.

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