I Am A Writer

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Why should you love me?
Why should you chose me?
Over all the girls in the world, why me?
These are very good questions that I will attempt to answer with as much honesty as I can manage.

I'm very human. But at least I'm truthful about it. I don't pretend to be stronger than I am, nor I imply that it is impossible to deceive me. That doesn't mean i'm stupid, it just means there's someone out there with a different code of morals than mine.

I don't pretend to be a goddess of beauty. My features are very plain, in fact slightly below average. I'm no masterpiece, looking at me isn't like contemplating fine art. Although people are art, but not all art is fine.

I'm not the easiest person to deal with either. I'm very immature at times. I can be annoying. I get mad really easily and when i'm angry I lose sight of everything and I will verbally stab you till your heart bleeds out.

I also get jealous like crazy. I might not always say it, or show it, but when you tell me about your ex it destroys me internally. Because I know I will never be that special to anyone.

I am conceited, self-glorifying, but incredibly insecure and self-loathing at the same time.

I'm disgusting at times, but so are you and so is everyone. We all burp, and fart and throw up and poop and piss and have snot in our noses and we all have days where we just don't feel like showering and our hair gets greasy and we start smelling like moldy dead corpses.

I'm also very moody. I build up projects in my head only to give them up the next day. I'm one of those people that just flow with the current of life. I'm trying to change that, you know, take charge but it's not that easy.

I'm very flawed and very imperfect. So why should you love me?

I think it's clear that there's a lot I can't offer you. But hear me out.

I am a writer. I can offer you immortality.

- Mada El-Horr

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