Chapter 15: Stolen kisses

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A/N - It's been such a long wait, I know, I know.

And I'm terrible at updating bc I've been away so much and I just haven't had time to sit down and concentrate on one story, never mind all the others.

On the other hand, school's started and I'm enjoying it!

So forgive me and read/vote/comment please :D

ps: the ending is a little um risqué.

but I wanted to keep it pg, guys.

pps: thank you for 1,030,189 reads. you're all incredible.

i love you <3



**Niall's POV**

The red lights flickered to blue and then green as booming music echoed in the hall, encouraging the large group of over 19s to dance provocatively on the dance floor.

And in the centre, Cara's brother, Danny, was dancing with girls, clearly having fun.

Olivia was talking to Danny's mum for the first time, and they seemed to be getting on rather well.

My petite dark-blonde girlfriend talked with her for a while more until Cara dragged her away onto the dance floor.

I laughed, watching Olivia slide along in her heels which she somehow managed to walk in.

I sat next to Zayn and took a swig of beer, looking at Olivia and Rose and Cara dancing.

Olivia was in a cute little green dress, swaying to the music. She looked so beautiful and I reminded myself once again of just how lucky I was to be able to wake up next to her.

Putting my drink down, I looked at Zayn, "I'm just going to dance with Oll."

Zayn nodded and turned back to the bar at the venue Danny and Cara's parents had hired out.

It was a large place: a casino, dance hall, restaurant and hotel, all in one area.

Fans didn't know about this event, which surprised me, but it was better that way: Danny could celebrate his birthday without hassle.

A couple of girls started dancing with me, making it incredibly difficult for me to find Olivia, especially when she was dancing in all directions, constantly moving.

Making my way through the crowd of acquaintances and friends, I spotted a flash of green. Olivia!

I placed my hands on her hips from behind, swaying along with her.

My hands molded perfectly to every tiny curve and contour of her hips, fingers brushing against the green material and straightening out creases.

I never wanted to lose this girl - she was my soulmate; and soppy as that sounds, I knew that no other girl could ever make my heart race or send my nerves crazy like she could.

She turned around and smiled at me with her pink lips, "Hey!" She shouted against the loud music.

"Hey." I returned, dancing slowly with her as the track changed to Little Things.

I laughed - it was a little inappropriate for this event, but it got all of the couples up and dancing, and other dancers off the floor.

"Your hand fits in mine." I murmured as I reached for her hand with mine, placing my arm on her back as we slowly danced.

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