[ Chapter 9 ]

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Five days was it now? Five consecutive days... and you still hadn't attended school, not only you but YoonJi too.

The boys began worrying what could've possibly happened, maybe you had a severe illness or that you suddenly went back to your country.
Whatever might be the reason was, they clearly had no clue to where the both of you had gone.

The seven boys were sulking on their seats, they came back to their sullen states the few days before you came. Surely there must've been a reason for your disappearance, they knew you would call them anytime if something happened.

So this event was quite unusual...

The three J's, Jimin, JHope and Jin were all happy-no-more, they always sat down full of despair. They kept mumbling where could you two be and tried finding hints to the answers which are so hard to look for.

Namjoon and Suga, were silently concerned. They didn't talk about your disappearances that much but the actions they did, asking for other's helps and actually going through Seoul together just to find you two shows how much they care.

And as for Jungkook and Taehyung, those two took your absences the most.
Taehyung kept himself in a corner cause he's gone crazy, why wouldn't he since he's totally obsessed and that he hadn't seen her for more than a week?
He would have a panic attack, sometimes with tears flowing out as if he were thinking the worst possible things that might've occurred, pulling his hair out of frustration, uncontrollable breathing and just blurting out the mentions of her.

Jin and Namjoon had to be the ones to take care of him, bringing him to the dorms nearby instead of his original house and at least try to comfort him.

As for Jungkook, he's not the sweet maknae the school's known. He has gone distant with everyone even BangTan, turned his attitude completely upside down, hurting others even if he never meant it. But most of all, he was just as desperate to find the traces of you.

He tried calling you several times, though you never picked up, it actually angered him for no reason.

Now, class time was over and the first thing that the hyungs saw was an over-cooked Kookie who slammed the door open.

"So you're all just gonna sit there?" He stated, gritting his teeth in disbelief. "I can't believe you all! (Y/n) is out there, probably missing and we're just here acting like none of that is a big deal?"

"Jungkook, we're doing everything thing we can." Namjoon said, but he was suddenly cut off when the maknae kicked the door harshly.

"How?! By laying your butts off and chillaxing?!"

"Mind Your Attitude Jungkook." Jin stood, pointing at te maknae firmly.

"You know what? Curse it! I'm going out there to Look for her and none of you are going to stop me!" Jungkook was surely pissed off by now, he ran outside the room before his hyungs could even stop him.

"Jungkook!!" Namjoon yelled out for him, though it seems like that his not gonna give in to him.
"Aish!! That kid jinjja..."

Taehyung looked up from his corner and eyed the door Jungkook went out of, thinking deeply to himself. It was then when he abruptly stood up, dusting himself off and chased after the younger one.
"Jungkook! Wait for me!"

"Aisssssshhhhhhhhh..." Namjoon sighed once more, gripping the strands of his hair out of anger.

"Those two..." Jin shook his head in disagreement.

"Jin hyung, we're not just gonna leave them out there, right?" Jimin asked from the couch.

"Psh, Even if Your brothers are stubborn as dogs without a leash, them going out there with a good chance of death or alien abductions, Of Course not."

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