Chapter 4

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As I finished unpacking I hear the door open. I heard a girl laughing while entering with one of her friends. " Oh hey! you must be Luna. I'm Jess and this is Jessy my twin." I was wrong it was her twin sister "hey, nice to meet you Jess and Jessy" they were both very pretty and very friendly. "We're going to the cafeteria do you want to come with us?" Wow they really were really friendly. " yeah, that would be great." We headed out to the cafeteria. Jess pulled me by my arm to a table full of people. "Luna, these are my friends. Kyle, Rose, Jack, Lily, Emily, Paul, and Joe." Oh great it was Mr. Flirt, but I do admit he was good looking. "Hi, I'm Luna" I said smiling. "We meet again little lady" joe said with a smirk on his face. "Oh god my names is Luna, not little lady" I rolled my eyes. " I see you both know each other already" Jessy said while laughing. "You can say that" joe said while smiling. It grew quiet until Lily shouted out, "Let's eat" I had to sit beside Joe since the only seat available was beside him. We laughed and talked all day until night time. "Well I'm off to sleep" Jess said. One by one everyone stared to go to their rooms until it was just Joe and I. At first it was awkward but later we started to talk and laugh. I didn't know how I felt about him, but he made me feel happy. "So... Do you have a boyfriend" Joe seemed nervous to ask. "Nope." I said with no sweat. "Why?" "He dumped me on the day of prom for my best friend, said he wanted to start a life with them." By saying that it took me back to that day. The day I had sworn to myself that I would never, ever fall in love with anyone. "Earth to Luna." Joe said while laughing. "Sorry, I kind of thought of that day." It was silent for a couple of seconds. "It's okay." He said while looking into my eyes. He had the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen, it was like looking into the blue ocean. "Well I should get going now, I have practice tomorrow early." I said yawning. "You're in sports?" Joe seemed happy I was a sports person. "Yeah, basketball and if you consider cheer a sport, haha. Well yeah, I should really go I have cheer practice" as I stood up Joe touched my hand. I felt him shaking of how nervous he was. "Let me take you to your dorm." "Oh no it's okay" I was getting red. "No really, I'm your neighbor anyways. I might as well walk you" he smiled at me. "Well in that case, let's go." As we arrived at my door I could feel him looking at me while I was trying to unlock the door since I didn't want to wake up Jess. "Well this is my stop" i looked at him in the eye, it was the most beautiful thing. I felt my heart racing. "Goodnight Joe" I said with a warming smile. Joe got closer to me as if he was going to kiss me. Right when he was going to kiss me Jess opens the door. "Oh hey Joe! Luna well hello there." She looked at me with an evil face. I laughing in my mind. "Hey Jess." "What was that Joe? I couldn't hear you, you were mumbling." Jess was laughing "nothing Jess, nothing. Well goodnight Luna." Jess made way for me to get in. As she closed the door I could feel her eyes on me. "What?" I was getting red. "Mhh I see you Luna, haha tell me everything." I got into bed and told Jess everything until she went to sleep. As I made in bed I couldn't help but think about Joe.

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