Chapter 10

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So today was the first day of class. I had morning classes so I had to wake up early. Which I didn't want to. I knew today was going to be a long day, after going through all the boring classes I had cheer practice. At least I got to see Joe. As I looked at my schedule I tried to find my classes, lucky for me I doing Emily in the hall. "Hey Luna!" Her smile was perfect, it made me want to cry. "Hey Emily! Can you help me find my English class?" "Yeah sure let me see your schedule" after a while she finally said something. "Great! We have all 4 classes together!" I felt relieved I wasn't going to be alone. Maybe today will be good. As we walked into class we saw more familiar faces. "Kyle,Jessy!" Emily shouted out. Lucky for us there were still two more seats in their table. As the bell rang the teacher walked in. He was kind of cute, he looked like he could be our age but that would be weird. "Good morning class. My name is Mr. Ramirez. This yeas we will learn about Shakespeare, we will be reading his work this year, and we will learn how to be good writers." So far class was good until... "We WILL have a project due next Friday, it is plenty of time to do research on Shakespeare. Also you can can work in a group no more than 4." "AAAWWHH" the whole class was disappointed. "Or we can go straight to doing essays, you decide." The class got quiet that even if someone dropped a pen you could hear it. "Very well then." The teacher kept talking and talking it felt like for ever. Finally the bell rang. "Hey so you guys want to do the project together?" Of course Jessy would ask that, she never really liked doing her work alone. The four of us agreed. "Great, y'all come to my dorm at 5 so we can get this over with." While Emily and I walked to our next class we bumped into a group of football guys. "Woah watch one." One of the guys said to us. His voice sounded familiar. After I got situated and looked up it was someone I knew very well. "Luna? I didn't know you came here." He was surprised. "Yeah... Well I have to go now." I wanted to die right there and then, I couldn't believe who I had just ran into to. "Who's that's he's hot." Emily asked, I wish she hadn't of asked because now I would have to tell her everything. "My ex... Jake." "THATS YOUR EX?" "Yeah?" I really just wanted to strangle Emily for asking. "No way! He's hot. Did you know that him and Joe are football captains??" Great more drama, who know what will happen since they have to cooperate to run a team, well their coach would but you know what I mean. "That's just great Emily." I said with great sarcasm. "Sorry I didn't mean to..." I felt bad I made her feel bad. "It's okay you didn't know, haha you're something else." "Thanks I know" she said with such pride. As we walked in into math class . Okay so I was wrong that today might turn out to be good. It was my lucky day, Jake also had math class. Worst of all the teacher had assigned seats. Who does that, for gods sake were not in high school anymore. "Luna, your seat will right beside Jake." I didn't know if I should go sit beside him or run out the class, but I couldn't do that I had to have a good impression. So I sat down beside him. "Emily, you sit beside Esai." Okay I was done with life. First I sit beside Jake, Then Emily is seated on the other side of the class!! I'm done with life. "Okay class we will start of by introducing each other. My name is Mr. Jones, some of you have met my daughter, Ms. Jones." Well I guess that's cool, working in the same place that your dad works in. "Jake please introduce yourself." Jake got up. "My name is Jake, and I play football." Of course like always every girl drooled over him. Except for me of course he was such a jerk when you get to meet him, I don't even know how I fell in "Love" with him. Seriously though what is love. "Very good." Even the teacher though he was good. My ass. "Luna you're up next." "Hi, I'm Luna some of you might have seen me around, I'm in cheer and also play basketball, oh and also I don't associate with people like Jake." The whole class started to laugh. Emily even yelled out "Savage." Yup that was Emily. "Settle down class settle down, well Luna I hope we won't have any problems." "Not at all Mr. Jones" after the whole class introduced each other, Mr. Jones assigned partners for a project that would go into deeper detail of who we were that we would have to present in from of class next week. Mr. Jones assigned partners, after almost the whole class had a partner, there was only 4 more people left. Jake, some girl names Luz, Emily and me. I prayed to God that I would not end up been partners with Jake . "Luna your partner will be Jake." God did NOT hear my prayers. As in for me, Emily got pared up with Luz. After and hour of going over rules, Mr. Jones dismissed up 5 minutes earlier. "Class dismissed." I couldn't wait any longer so I zoomed out of there. "HEY LUNA WAIT UP" great just what I needed. Jake. "So I'll come to your dorm later today, so we can work on our project." Was he really saying that. "No need for that Jake. I already know you well enough." I flipped my hair on his face and walked away. "Luna wait up girl!" "Hurry up Emily I can't stand Jake." I really just wanted to get away. "Ugh, Mr. Jones is really stupid for not putting us together, I'm not doing his work I don't care." "Emily it's not the end of the world for you, it's the end of the work for me. And no your going to do your work so we can graduate." I said smiling. We went to lunch We saw most of our friends, except for Joe. I low key felt sad. But I don't really know if I like him or now, oh well. After lunch we went to 3rd period, time in science class passed by so fast. "So what's our next class?" I asked Emily. "Mhh lets see.. Oh it's social studies." Finally our last class of the day, as we walked in my heart started racing. I had Joe for this class. "Hey Luna" he said with his cute soft voice, every time he said my name he said it with such passion, shivers would go found my back. I was wrong today was a good day. "Hey Joe" I tried not to smile to much but I couldn't help it. Lucky for us we didn't have assigned seats, so I sat beside him. After class we walked together to the locker rooms for practice. "Alright I'll see outside." Joe Said with a smirk. Practice was a success, not only that but I got to see Joe, wow he was like a god he really looked hot out in the field. Lucky for me Hake didn't notice me so it was a double success. Or at least I thought it was. After practice Jake came to me. Joe was looking at us. "So Luna, I didn't know you were in cheer." "Well now you know." I could feel Joe's eyes on us, I could feel he was jealous. "So do you want to chill later." Before I could answer Joe had cole up to us. "No, she CANT. She's going to chill with me. " as much as I wanted to run I couldn't so I pulled Joe with me heading back to our dorms. He said nothing to me. He was upset. "Joe are you mad?" "no." after that we said nothing.

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