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So, Zane is dead. We all know that, and no matter how hard you want to believe that he's not, he is. But, what is my theory?

Did Zane have a relic?

Whilst watching episode 81 again, looking for foreshadowing in the plot, I realized something.
Was that symbol that came out of Zane a relic? If so, we have a reason to believe why Tu'la wants relics. You saw Zane's power, and he defeated Garroth who is just about the best fighter there is, considering he was at the top of the wait list for the Jury of 9.

So, we come back to, well, what is a relic?
Definition: A item surviving from an earlier time, usually of sentimental value.
If this is correct, then what sentimental value did it have to the person who created it?
We. Don't. Know.
Obviously, Irene created her relic to keep her power safe. The relic itself did not have any sentimental value.Her powers did, and she wanted it out of the wrong hands.

Zane however, was able to almost able to get his hands on it. (Thank you Aph) So...
Can you have two relics at once?

This is just developing and I will expand later when I'm not at church XD


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