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A quiet exhaustion fell over the transport ship and the Jedi younglings sprawled out on the chairs in the living quarters exchanged no words. A young Rodian trudged into the room as a slightly rusted but hardy droid shuffle its way out of the room muttering something about checking the hyperspace coordinates - their direct contact with the Temple - and took a seat next to a table before plodding her weapon onto the table.  It was a sleek and elegant weapon, designed for precision. The signature weapon of the Jedi was constructed as a metal cylinder with various designs, depending on the user's preference. The six other younglings also either cradled theirs or held them close. After all, the elder Jedi had always said, "Never lose it. This weapon is your life."

And after the mission that they'd just endured, they understood why. The Gathering was notoriously difficult - it had to be. The younglings had to prove that they were worthy of their kyber crystals, and each had faced a different challenge inside the caves. Afterwards they had constructed their lightsabers aboard an ancient frigate. For all of the younglings, it was difficult. Manipulating the essence of the universe was no easy feat.

One of the younglings, a young human girl, about nine with dark hair in soft curls pulled back in a sloppy ponytail, and deep brown, intelligent eyes, observed the group. On her left, was a boy with blonde hair, sprightly green eyes and a pale complexion, who was called Harver. He always carried an anxious energy with him, as if he was constantly pumped up on Toydarian junk food. His foot tapped against the leg of the table in front of him impatiently whilst to her right in stark contrast, was the Rodian that had walked in. She had light green skin and her star-filled eyes were wide and thoughtful. Her name was Xena, a quiet and shy youngling. She studied the form of Soresu, to match her personality, but was also easily the best pilot among the group. On Xena's right was one of the two Twi'lek's in the group, a species that was born with two tails that grew from their heads, otherwise known as lekku. One had tan skin, and was called Pyron. Like Xena, he was both reserved but also knew when to voice his opinions.

Then there was Linthra and Qui-Drogmar, a Togruta and Mirilian. Linthra was clearly going to grow up to be a medic specialist, like her fellow Togruta Jedi, Shaak Ti. Her montrals were slightly petal shaped with her lekku barely skimming her shoulders and were pastel green before fading to a darker green at the tips, contrasting beautifully with her light cream skin. Her deep violet eyes were filled with knowledge and patience. Qui-Drogmar however was quite different. Like his people, he had pale green skin with bright blue eyes. Black markings in the form of double straight lines ran from the corners of his mouth before sloping up and resting underneath his cheekbones and short raven hair flopped down onto his face. He had a confident air about him, the way that a strong leader has a presence, despite his youthful age.

Furthest from the dark haired human was a second Twi'lek, Orenu. Unlike Pyron, her lekku were placed further up her head and had a more elegant curve. Her figure was small and lithe, like a gymnast and her black irises melded with her dark grey skin in a moving shadow. Finally, there was the girl who observed the diverse group; Reina Tautaski. She had a relaxed composure, but also alert, as if waiting for something to go wrong at any time.

Suddenly, as if someone had flicked a switch, something changed in the air. A flare of danger was sent through the Force, resonating within each youngling as cold seeped into their bones, like the calm before a storm; both peaceful and eerie. Pyron, Xena and Reina rose from their seats, and the rest of the youngling straightened attentively, as if they were listening for something. All was silent for a few seconds before the ship gave a mighty lurch, sending all three of them sprawling.

"What's going on!?" Linthria yelled as the ship suddenly burst into sound and motion. Pistons could be heard moving through the venting systems and the ship creaked and rocked sickeningly.

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