Chapter XIX

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So often, the Republic was ridiculed for having anyone die to a droid. But as stupid as they came across in their subpar speech programming, they were also coded to shoot first and ask questions later.  They had mechanical sight and hearing that would not fail or waver from sickness or tiredness. If they brought in droids with enough high-tech, they would be able to hear a feather hit the ground from two hundred paces. And they could aim. If clones learned one thing on the battlefield, it was how good they could aim.

As their rhythmic footsteps clanked closer, the four men approached the front facing wall of the house, taking cover behind the window ledges and door frames. Instantly, long-ingrained battle reflexes kicked in, as they worked in complete synchronisation. Hands tightened around blasters and their breathing became measured and steady. All eyes were attentively on their General as they waited for a signal.  Kenobi kept his eyes low, focusing only on the sound of the footsteps. If he had to guess... maybe thirty steps away?  Everything from a moment ago, all realisations cleared, as the footsteps became the only thing that mattered.

Clank, clank.

Twenty-five paces.

Clank clank.

Twenty paces.

"You check the end house. I'll take the ones on the left." The voice said outside, tinny and scratchy.


The poor droid didn't even have time to finish his sentence, before his head was blown clean off his shoulders. It steamed in a smoking heap on the floor as the mechanical body crumpled. The second droid immediately raised a hand to its head to signal for help, but Longshot had already long taken his shot. The droid joined his comrade on the floor, a pathetic, final whir escaping its metal face.

Calmly, Longhshot looked up from the scope of his blaster from his position in the window frame. "Do you think it signalled any others?"

"No." Kenobi stood up, patting him on the shoulder firmly. "Good work soldier." Swinging the front door open, he glanced up at the sun haze through the now slow-moving dust cloud, mentally clocking its position. "It's no accident that the owners of this building kept these coordinates a secret.  We'll follow them, heading directly south through the village. It's the fastest route. I will take point. Waxer, you take left flank, Longshot on the right. Trapper, I want you to bring up the rear.  Watch our six like a hawk.  We don't know how many there are."

"Sir!" they barked in rehearsed union.

In silent footfall, they set off into the face of the unknown.


The wind swelled through the open gunship as they cruised through the air.  Gripping the edge of the door frame tightly, Reina scanned the ground below for any signs of life, despite the effort being mostly futile. Her eyes darted back up ahead, a dark shadow crossing her face at the more pressing matter.

Up ahead was yet another swirling dust bank, hiding the hell contained behind its veil. They were far enough away that its true nature was yet to be revealed. Instead, it hovered over the land as an imposing mass - a great wall of gritty earth, smothering the land metre by metre.  It moved steadily, an immovable foe that countered their very presence on the planet, as if it wanted to purge both sides of the war.  Reina lifted her comm to her mouth.

"Commander Tautaski to Commander Cody." She needn't wait much time before a response came through.

"Received sir."

"How long before contact?"

"Trigger estimates it at half a standard hour. We'll want to touch down in at least half that time and set up the land speeders."

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