Chapter IX

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The next morning, Reina was having a chat with a medic.

After she'd been rudely awoken by the clone guard outside her cell door, they sent another clone in with a rather large plate of food as well. He had the same face as all of his brothers but had a bald head and intricate tattoos on the back and sides of his head who ended up introducing himself as Kix.  She thought she recognised him before it dawned on her that he was the medic who had scanned her for "medical reasons" back when she was sat with the Togrutas.

Reina watched as he slid the platter of food over to her and eyeballed it warily. "Is it drugged?" She asked flatly.

"Well," he chuckled slightly before continuing, "If you count all of the additional vitamins injected into it, then I suppose it is."

Narrowing her eyes, she sniffed it, as well as stirring the food through, but she couldn't see or smell anything wrong. When she tested a bit, it tasted normal so she eventually gave into the demands of her aching gut.  But as it turned out, her stomach seemed to have shrunken with such little food after so long and she could only pick at it without feeling sick - at any rate, she couldn't remember the last time she'd had so much food in front of her at once that she'd been allowed to touch.   As she ate, she listened to Kix list off everything that was wrong with her. To say there was a lot was an understatement.

"Multiple old breaks that never healed properly, numerous lacerations, a weak left ankle, again, seemingly an old break, plenty of scar tissue, malnourished, dehydrated, anaemic, badly underweight and you're slightly short sighted by the looks of it."

"You got all that from a scan?" Reina raised an eyebrow.

He held his hands up slightly. "We have good technology. To be honest, it looks like it's a miracle that you're still alive."


"Well, anyone would think you'd been put through a meat grinder from your diagnostics."

She scoffed slightly. "That's not far from the truth."

"At the moment, the biggest problem is your weight. You're too far under what you should be."

A slight humourless laugh escaped her lips. "I can assure you, it wasn't voluntary."

Kix studied her for a moment before saying, "Y'know, the boys say you're a Jedi.  At least, that's the rumour."

She stiffened. "Not anymore I'm not. You can tell "the boys" that they're several years late."

"You left?" He guessed.

"Try taken. Pirates." She added the latter tensely at his questioning look.

"And you weren't found?"

A foul taste filled her mouth as she took an interest in her food.

He nodded. "Right. Touchy subject." Just then, his comm link started beeping. Answering it, he said in a fluid, habitual tone, "Kix here."

"Kix, it's Stitch. We need you down in emergency. We have a Togruta in critical condition."

"I'll be right there." He said before ending the call. He must have seen the look on Reina's face.

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