Chapter 1

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Third person p.o.v.
Its lunch time and everyone gathered around besides two of them, everything is going according to plan.
Yup the student of E-class and even the teachers are hooking up Karma and Nagisa.
The teachers have stuff to do so they let the students make the plan.
"We need a plan to hook them up" Itonuo said. Isogai is about to say something but is cut off when the devil speaks.
"Yo guys! What's with the gathering without me and Nagisa-chan?" He said teasing the blue haired boy next to him.

"I said stop calling me that Karma-kun!!!" Yelled a blushing Nagisa "I wonder why...?"
"Haha... Nope.. Anyways what are you taking about Kayano?" He asked with his famous evil grin.
None of them speak which peaks the two boys interest. Nagisa opened his mouth to say something but was cut of by the bell. You could say they were 'saved by the bell'
"Well that's the bell you don't want Korosensei to groom us do you?" Sugino said.

|| time skip/ last period||

Korosensei was about to dismiss them when a raven haired woman came in. she was wearing a dark blue thigh high dress, a black belt around the waist , black wedge shoes, and a hand bag on her left shoulder. her eyes are almost the same as Nagisa's but a little darker. Every one is shocked by her beauty except for Nagisa who is smiling widely. Its been 5 years since they last saw each other.
"Um excuse me but I am looking for Korosensei?" Said the mysterious beauty looking at Nagisa signalling him to ready his gun or knife. Nagisa just smiled at her meaning its ready.
"Oh I am the teacher you're looking for miss....??" Turning light pink.
"Oh call me Nally sir, and I was just wondering if you could
















die?!!?" She quickly drew her gun as she signalled Nagisa to strike. He dodge them but making Korosensie loose 4 tentacles and after they ran out of BB's they stopped.
"My my Nagisa and . . . Whoever you are, well done you just destroyed 2 of my tentacles. Full marks in signalling strategy!! Outstanding!! and you miss, are like a girl version of Nagisa, hiding your bloodlust like that! But you'll have to do better and work hard if you want to kill me~Nururururu!"
"Nagisa! What the heck you just destroyed 2 of korosensei's tentacles!" Yelled Terasaka in shock.
But Nagisa ignored him and walked towards his desk when the woman suddenly.....

Hi!! Please comment what's on your mind if you like it or not.... Sorry for the clifhanger guys......Cyza~

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