Chapter 13

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( Nally's house but bigger and wider~Cyza)

Karma's POV

We started to climb the mountain but why are we heading at the E-class building?

"Ma'am why are we going back to school?" Kayano asked.

"Oh that's because my house is near the building but I forgot my luggage at the classroom. You can wait at the back of the school, OK?" We just nod and she proceed to get her luggage. Once she out of sight and hearing range, I look at them with my famous smirk.

"So ...Guys why does ma'am all of a sudden want us to sleep over to her house?" I ask them. They just look away from me and they start to shutter.

"Uh... well"


They continuously shutter until I loose my cool.

"Why the heck are you nervous about telling me going to sleep over to ma'am house!" They just stare at me then a voice came behind me.

"That's because I told them to not tell you... but you seem eager too know so... let's have a little conversation shall we?" She starts walking again but straight to the forest and we. Follow her but I'm at her side with the same pace of walking.

"So ma'am why are we sleeping over at your house ?" She just smiled weakly at me then she spoke.

"Well, do you know the reason why Nagisa is sick?" I shook my head only to she start tell me why.

"Long story short, Nagisa is abuse by our so called mother , when I'm heading home on the first day I arrived. I heard screaming coming at the house I open the Door only to see Nagisa is tied to a table and the witch whipping his back. Nagisa is unconcious , I called the police and the ambulance , they arrested her and rush Nagisa to the emergency. When he's awake I told him that he's living with me and I apply some of my healing gel and some medicine so the healing process quicken so mabey at Monday he would be able to go to school so don't worry huh Karma?"

After the story I kinda want to Blame my self for not noticing like the clue when Nagisa dress up for our mission on Osaka to get the cure.

"Hey don't be hard in your self its not your fault if thats what your thinking" she said warmly. After a few minutes she spoke.

"Hey if haven't figure out I'm Nagisa's sister and do you like my brother?" That statement in shocks me but I spoke to her the truth.

"Then I'm jealous for nothing and yes I'm really in love with your brother. Are you gonna stop me ?" She just giggled .

"No I I'm not not gonna stop you for loving my brother better yet I thank you for loving him." before I could speak she stop and spoke.

" oh...And were here guys!!" I look ahead and I saw a waterfalls!

"Oh wait guys" she took out some kind of remote and press the red bottom. After few minutes the waterfalls split! We were all shocked at the sight. We have the awesome teachers ever! yup I admit it in my thought.

"Now class on wards to my house!" We just cheer and some of them yelled 'yeah'

Nagisa's POV

After I bonded the snakes I saw mum getting the table ready by the pool. There so much food there Asian,Mexican,American, Hawaiian and many more. I open the tall and wide , sliding door and approach her.

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