Chapter 17

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Third person POV

The day came and the E-class is confident & determined to ace the exams before they went to there exam room the top 5 students came to them but only to mock them. Threy ignored them, they know there going down. After all they improved, they call/think there exams the way to assassination.

Nally saw them with a unknown outfit a ordinary outfit but not there idol/model clothes. Then she knew what she pick a plan but new.

🕖🕡🕖Time skip 🕔🕙🕡

After the first day of the exams the top 5 students came to them with the principal this time.

"Well E-class you're all confident that you pass or even on top but not" the one with glasses that Okuda's rival in science. The E -class pretend to be scared but stood ground. Just in time prof bitch came with Mr. K

"How about a bet? If my students are at the top then you have to cancel all the rules apply to them and do whatever they want." Prof bitch said and act it. Yup all of that is part of there plan.

"And if my students are at the top thenthey can get the same treatment but they must follow every command to them" the principal said and they shook there hand in agreement.

🕛🕧🕐🕜🕑🕝Time skip🕒🕞🕓🕟🕔🕠🕕

The next day

The final day of exams and the exams are easy to the E-class. What they can say Nally's potion works and they study hard for it even a collage level exams are almost nothing to them.

The teachers in the other hand is planing the perfect revenge. But Nally has some stuff to do(being a model,idol,designer).

The day went fast and not a single thing to worry.

At that night they discuss there plan sending all the class to have the famous Karma evil smile/grin.

🕡🕣🕔Time skip 🕔🕔🕖🕜

The day of the results

In the classroom the students are waiting for the results. Korosensei enter the roomn with the envelope in his tentacles.

"Nurururu ~ now class we now see who are at the top. In the Math subject. . . . . . . . . . the E-class!" They all cheered then korosensei gave them there exam sheets. All of them get 100. While they admired there work in math. The octopus opened all the envelopes and announced the winner.

"Nururu~ that's no it all students all your subjects are the top is. . . . . . . . . . . . . the E-class! Looks like we won and we can get anything we wanted. Nurururu~" they cheered again and this time prof bitch, Mr. K and Nally came in .

"Now we won the bet how about we celebrate at my house sounds good? And don't worry I told all your parents about it." Nally said to them. However Karma remembered korosensei told them when they went to learn to drive.

"Hey korosensei ~ didn't you told us a news either bad or good" Karma said and all eyes at the yellow octopus but the only ones who knew the news are the teachers.

"Well for the news. . . . . . its a good news! I'm going to be your teacher until collage and I gave up destroying the Earth! I'm starting fresh life.." The students were dumbfounded and couldn't speak.







"EEEHHHH!!!???" By now there scream can reach the main campus.

"Then....then no more killing you korosensei?" Kayano said but korosensei has other plans.

"If that's what you want." But all the students shook there heads.

"No way its more fun to learn while killing your teacher! Right guys?" Isogai said while turning to his fellow classmates.

"Then its settled! Nally tell the ministry of defense the decision" Nally just nod and took out her phone. Irina just put her head in Karasuma's right shoulder and intertwined there hands making Kayano nosebleed.

"Oh my gosh Kayano are you OK?" Rio asked the poor girl she just nod and scan the room . she spotted Karma and Nagisa almost making out of the corner and the other side are Maehara and Isogai . she slap her self hard causing all eyes on her . then she burst to scream when she realize that its not a dream.

"Prof bitch since when did you and Mr. K get together!?" They just smiled and answer it.

"Since me and Karasuma lived together for a month now" Irina said truthfully making the class to cheered. But its not over yet. Kayano went to Maehara and Isogai she asked the same question to them. They told them there whole story , blushing but no one complaining because its one of Nally's otp .

And the last one she went to Nagisa and Karma. She asked the same question again to them and to answer her question Karma pull Nagisa to a sweet passionate kiss that Nagisa kiss back . poor Kayano she just recovered from the last nosebleed but then she did it again but this time almost her girl classmates did the but some fainted and some are fangirling and some are taking picture (mostly Rio )

They told there story and even thanking korosensei for keeping it a secret but that cause all the girls (and boys) to chase him with BBguns and knives even he is tied to a rope.

But in the end they celebrate there victory and prepared the things for there revenge but Nally has other ideas. and she told them, they agree to it they wanted revenge but like korosensei taught them revenge is not the answer insted they have to be cool. Or embaressed the campus students and they can't wait for tomorrow's assembly at the campus gym for the campus students priceless faces.

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